My recommendation is that you begin the lunch with a very simple
statement along the following lines:
The atmosphere you should try to create is one that encourages an
informal, candid exchange about real concerns, not one in which the
exchange will be set-piece restatements of current policies. In such an
atmosphere, you will want to see whether Dobrynin provides any real openings worth exploring. If
he engages in his familiar tactic of filibustering, you might tell him
bluntly that time is short, that you want to engage in a real dialogue
not speeches, and then ask directly
[Page 441]
what message he has from the Soviet leadership
that he wants to convey to the United States.
Point Paper Prepared in the Department of State
for Secretary of State Shultz5
Grenada: The Soviets have taken an extremely
critical public line of U.S. protective actions in Grenada and
formally protested our action. However, the Soviets have been fairly
perfunctory in their private criticism—suggesting a tendency to view
this episode in “spheres of influence” realpolitik
terms—concentrating instead on the safety of their personnel.
—Our objectives in Grenada are clear—protection of U.S. lives,
restoration of peace, stability and democratic process on
island. U.S. troops will be out as soon as objectives
—We have made quite clear we will take every effort to ensure
safety of Soviet personnel. We remain prepared to assist their
safe evacuation.
Korean Airliner: While continuing their basic
line, the Soviets have invited the ICAO Secretary General to visit Moscow in early
November and outside representatives to “observe” their
investigation. We have protested maneuvers by Soviet vessels that
endanger our search efforts. We are considering ending our naval
search effort shortly.
—Must understand the intense and understandable feelings
generated within the U.S. by the shooting down of unarmed
civilian airliner. Soviet handling of the issue only intensified
the adverse reaction.
—Want positive Soviet action on claims and a full and honest
explanation of the shootdown. Important step in this direction
would be positive Soviet cooperation with ICAO investigation. Hope Soviet
invitation to ICAO Secretary
General is in this vein. Noted Soviet invitation for U.S., Japan
and South Korea to observe Soviet investigation and are
considering our reply.
[Page 442]
—Both nations share interest in avoiding frictions during naval
search operations in Sea of Japan. We have instructed our
commanders to exercise great care; Soviet side must do the
INF: After
dismissing all three of our new proposals, the Soviets launched
their own new initiative on October 26.6 New Soviet position offers some forward movement
on geographic scope and aircraft, but still provides no basis for
agreement on the questions of non-deployment of U.S. missiles and
compensation for UK/French forces.
Making a strong pitch for deferral of the U.S. deployment dates,
Andropov on October 26
flatly ruled out continuation of INF negotiations after the NATO deployments.
—Time has come for serious negotiation, not political
posturing or intimidation. In September, we made major new U.S.
moves responsive to Soviet concerns, which Soviet Union has
chosen to dismiss out of hand.7
—Latest Andropov proposal
holds out promise of some movement forward which we hope will be
seriously followed up with specifics at negotiating table. It
does not, however, address central U.S. concerns.
—It also sets unacceptable deadline for Soviet walk-out from
negotiations. Soviet responsibility for such an interruption of
talks would be clearcut. As for any postponement of deployment,
would note U.S. has been negotiating for two years while Soviets
continue to deploy.
—If Soviet Union really wants agreement, must drop insistence on
direct compensation for British and French forces which ignores
fundamental difference in role of U.S. and UK/French forces. This is issue of
principle for Western alliance.
situation in START is colored by
impending showdown over INF.
Soviets remain unwilling to acknowledge the flexibility we have
displayed in response to their concerns, criticizing the
“build-down” concept both publicly and in Geneva. [Dobrynin has complained
[Page 443]
that our public release of
build-down before giving them a “heads up” demonstrated our “lack of
seriousness.”] The Soviets continue to see U.S. position as attempt
to gut their existing ICBM force
—As in INF, U.S. has made
substantial modifications to its position that respond to
expressed Soviet concerns.
—We will continue to seek an agreement for real reductions in the
most destabilizing categories of ballistic missile systems, as
measured by their warheads, and in the overall destructive power
of strategic forces.
—We do not, however, insist on identical force structures and are
willing limit forces where U.S. has advantage. If Soviets agree
to meaningful reductions in ballistic missile destructive power,
U.S. is prepared to accept more stringent limits on heavy
bombers and ALCMs. Build-down
proposal should be seen in this light.
—If USSR is seriously
interested in such a trade-off, we can be flexible in developing
common framework to carry out reductions.
Compliance: The McFarlane Group is still developing a gameplan for
handling the cases of possible Soviet non-compliance with SALT II, the ABM Treaty, and other agreements. We have raised both
the new Soviet radar and the SS–X–25 [a.k.a. PL–5] ICBM in the current SCC round, but have received little
satisfaction from Soviets.
—Soviets should not underestimate the gravity of our concerns
over possible Soviet non-compliance with the ABM/SALT II.
—More is at stake than whether SCC has competency to consider non-ratified
agreement. Failure to resolve uncertainties created by ambiguous
Soviet actions will have corrosive effect on efforts to
negotiate new agreements.
—Detailed diplomatic exchanges on the subject of the ICBM first flight tested on
February 8 and initial exchanges on the new radar near
Krasnoyarsk have not in any way alleviated our concerns.
—Our ability to assess information you provided on the new
missile is severely impeded by your expanding practice of
encrypting telemetry on missile test flights.
—Hope you will be more forthcoming in the current session of the
SCC. Not encouraged by
initial weeks’ discussions.
CBMs: We held
constructive exchanges in Moscow in August, but the Soviets have yet
to agree to discuss anything other than Hotline upgrade.8 We are now preparing for a second round of talks in
Washington in December. The White House has yet to approve the
details of our initiative for a multilateral convention on nuclear
—August discussions in Moscow on ways to enhance
communications were useful. Pleased we will be working together
to improve
[Page 444]
Urge Soviet government to reconsider position on our other ideas
for improved and expanded communications.
—We are considering another round of such bilateral discussions
of communications measures in Washington this early December.
Would hope to see broader participation on Soviet side than just
technical experts.
CDE: The
CDE opens in Stockholm on
January 17; preparatory conference is underway in Helsinki. We are
now coordinating a Western position and have little to say to the
Soviets on substance.
—U.S. attaches great significance to businesslike CDE. We hope early progress can be
reached on meaningful measures.
recent progress on our verification probe; the Soviets have said
they would be prepared to continue the bilateral exploratory talks
if we agreed to discuss all issues and not just verification.
—We are seriously interested in making progress toward an
agreement to achieve more stable conventional balance in Central
Europe at reduced levels.
Non-Proliferation: We have had two rounds of
productive exchanges with the Soviets; in general, this has been a
fruitful area of dialogue, insulated from the broader strains in the
—We value highly exchanges we have had on nuclear
non-proliferation and hope for continued cooperation. Will soon
propose next round of exchanges in Washington in
Soviet Arms Control Proposals: The Soviets may
press us to provide a more considered response to their Outer Space
Treaty proposal and laundry list of propagandistic proposals
presented at the UNGA. They may
also complain about our unwillingness to reestablish negotiations on
a Comprehensive Test Ban [CTB].
—Still studying your Outer Space Treaty proposal. We remain
concerned about serious problems in verifying any meaningful
limits on military activities in space. Would welcome specific
Soviet ideas—as opposed to general assertions—on outer space
—Have your other various proposals presented at the UNGA under review. Generally
believe it is far preferable to concentrate on the specifics of
arms reduction in the Geneva and Vienna talks, rather than
wasting time on essentially declaratory approaches.
—On nuclear testing, regret your repeated refusal to engage in
discussions on ways to improve verification provisions of TTBT/PNET that would have permitted us to ratify the
Human Rights: The human rights situation
continues to worsen. Since Madrid, Soviets have put on trial three
prominent dissidents and peace activists; virtual cut-off of Jewish
and Armenian emigration continues. Moreover, the Soviets have
reinforced unequivocal “nyet”
[Page 445]
Gromyko gave on Shcharanskiy, insisting that there
was never any deal. On a trade involving Shcharanskiy, Vogel told us last week that the
Soviet response was “not yet.”
—Human rights will remain central issue in 1980 as it was in
1970s. Need to find a way to take practical steps.
—Gromyko said in Madrid we
had no deal on Shcharanskiy. We cannot accept this, as both
Kampelman and
Kondrashev are responsible men, who had done business on a
number of cases.
—You must understand our concerns and feeling that question of
good faith involved. Not asking you to contradict yourselves,
but to explore other ways this issue can be
Third World Regional Tensions: Although the
Soviets have expressed support for the cease-fire in Lebanon, their
overall policy, particularly unqualified support for the Syrians,
promotes continued instability in the Middle East. The Iran-Iraq
conflict may be moving into dangerous stage. In a period of extreme
turbulence in Asia—including the KAL massacre and the Rangoon bombing—the Soviets have
thus far been unhelpful.
—On the Middle East, we remain convinced that the
reconciliation process is the only alternative to a dangerous
and unpredictable escalation of tensions. Recent Beirut tragedy
has not diminished our determination to support such a
—We note your statement of support for the ceasefire. You must
urge Syria to exercise greater restraint. Return to direct
Israeli-Syrian confrontation is in neither of our interests.
—On Iran-Iraq, you understand the West’s interests in continued
flow of oil. We will protect those interests if necessary, but
far prefer a peaceful solution of this dispute. We do not want a
conflict in the Gulf and are working to avoid it. We trust
Soviet Union will take no actions to exacerbate situation.
—Are particularly concerned that you understand the need for
restraint on the Korean peninsula after the Rangoon
assassination attempt.
Bilateral Issues: In the wake of the KAL shoot-down, most elements of our
“small steps” strategy [consulates, exchanges agreement] are now on
hold. Dobrynin has stressed
the need for more high-level dialogue. Gromyko told Hartman that key problem is U.S. insertion of
ideology into our statements, raising questions about whether we
accept legitimacy of Soviet Union.10
[Page 446]
—Soviet actions, not American words, are responsible for the
downturn in relations and our inability to pursue at this time
some of the steps initiated earlier this year.
—Soviet leaders, including Andropov, always have stressed that ideological
competition is essential and consistent with peaceful
coexistence. Soviets can’t have it both ways.
—This Administration has not injected ideology into our
diplomatic discussions. We are prepared to deal with the Soviet
Union as a major power and to strive for agreements based on
equality and mutual interest.