417. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Pakistan1
16431. For Ambassador Hummel. Subject: Your Meeting With President Zia. Ref: Islamabad 00454.2
1. (Secret–Entire text).
2. Given the GOP’s views as conveyed by Shahnawaz, we have decided to delay presentation of the legislation on assistance to Pakistan until after the Islamic Conference. Secretary Vance will meet with SFRC in closed session as scheduled on January 21 to brief committee on situation in Afghanistan and South West Asia and on our approach to assistance for Pakistan, but without reference to specific legislation. In reaching this decision, we found particularly persuasive Shahnawaz’s point that the results of the conference could be damaged by perception that Pakistan’s call for Islamic meeting is linked to U.S. aid package.
3. Following is proposed text of statement Senator Church will make on January 21 in announcing postponement of submission of legislation:
Quote Secretary Vance will meet with the SFRC in closed session at 3:00 pm today to discuss the situation in Southwest Asia, including the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the threat posed to Pakistan and other independent nations in the region by the Soviet action, and the US hostages held by Iran.
[Page 944]The Secretary and I have agreed that formal submission of legislation relating to assistance to Pakistan will be deferred for a short period of time to permit further consultation with Pakistan and with other nations which have also been examining the possibility of aid to Pakistan. Unquote.
4. In informing President Zia of foregoing, you should make it clear that we do not view delay as a period for reconsideration of levels we are preparing for Pakistan over next eighteen months. We will use time provided to undertake urgent consultations with variety of other potential donors to Pakistan to develop broad multilateral package of economic and security assistance for Pakistan.
5. You should also inform President Zia that we would like to send the military team which was discussed with Shahi to Pakistan as soon as possible. The discussion with Shahi on January 12 indicated we would send a team within 10 days.3 We are prepared to move ahead with this as soon as Pakistan desires. We understand that this may not be possible this week because of Pakistan’s preoccupation with the visit of the Chinese Foreign Minister and the upcoming Islamic Conference. If the GOP prefers, the team can join the delegation headed by Deputy Secretary Christopher, or could follow his visit if GOP prefers. (FYI: DepSec would be prepared to come as early as Jan. 30 or 31, but you should let GOP suggest dates it prefers. End FYI)
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P870097–0683, N800002–0164. Secret; Niact Immediate; Nodis. Sent for information Immediate to the White House. Drafted by Constable; cleared in S/S–O and by Saunders; approved by Christopher.↩
- See Document 416.↩
- See Document 410.↩