173. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Vaky) to Acting Secretary of State (Christopher)1


  • Nicaragua and the PRC Meeting

Bill Bowdler has just informed me by phone that the PLN has just submitted its response to the mediators’ proposals. The response is basically a no on the proposal substance. There are, however, the cosmetic qualifiers which Somoza can claim leaves the door theoretically open.

[Page 444]

In Bill’s opinion this changes the circumstances somewhat. His original recommendation was intended to prevent Somoza from taking a negative position on the proposals. Now, however, the question is can we use pressure to push him backward and take advantage of the theoretically open door.

I see the elements as follows: (A) It is clear that Somoza is not taking us seriously and it is important that we make it clear to him that he should. (B) Bill is inclined to think that the ballgame is already over; I do not think we should jump to that yet. I think the hill is steeper than it might have been but I think we must make a final last effort to reverse Somoza and reopen the process. (C) I think we should have Bowdler and Solaun (who will be in the U.S. on Christmas leave) and McAuliffe (whom we should call up) meet with the PRC group early next week to analyze and review the circumstances.

I recommend that we seek in the PRC today2 the following: (A) Instructions to Bowdler to go into Somoza before he (Bowdler) leaves tomorrow and say that we are disturbed by Somoza’s position, that we think he is not taking us seriously, and that if he persists in this position we will have to withdraw our customary support. Bowdler would then add that he has been called back to Washington, Solaun is being called back from Christmas leave and McAuliffe is being called back to Washington, all for consultation. The U.S. Government is considering the withdrawal of the military mission, and the substantial reduction of our diplomatic mission and other Agency’s representation, and the withdrawal of our Ambassador. Much will depend upon Somoza’s reactions. (B) The PRC should agree to meet Tuesday, December 26 with Bowdler, Solaun and McAuliffe.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Office of the Secretariat Staff, Records of the Office of the Deputy Secretary, Warren Christopher, Lot 81D113, Box 22, Human Rights—Nicaragua IX. Secret. Drafted by Vaky.
  2. Reference is presumably to an SCC meeting. See Documents 174 and 175.