244. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Switzerland1
Washington, September 15, 1970,
150884. Subj: ICRC Personnel Shifts. Ref: Geneva 3165.2
- 1.
- While we in no way wish to second guess ICRC handling of negotiations, we note with some concern the several key ICRC personnel shifts over past few days. It appears to us one important tenet of effective negotiations and certainly of negotiations with Arabs is early establishment and maintenance of mutual confidence between negotiating participants. This confidence can only be built up over time and maintained through continuity. At time we did not consider recall of Rochat as good move but deferred to ICRC. Now we observe that Freymond replacement is Boissard, who apparently does not intend arrive in Amman for several days. We believe these constant changes do not help establish necessary confidence between ICRC and PFLP.
- 2.
- We would wish observation re personnel changes be made known to ICRC. At same time you should urge in the next Bern group meeting that Boissard leave for Amman as soon as possible and that Jacquinet overlap as long as possible before departing.