243. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassies in Switzerland and Jordan1

150859. 1. According to press reports, PFLP held news conference in Amman on September 15 during which unidentified spokesman listed set of PFLP demands which are to be met by “individual instead of concerted action by the governments concerned.” Excluded are names of prisoners being held by Israel being demanded by PFLP. Instead PFLP announcement continues to insist no such list can be released until Israel agrees to exchange “in principle.”

2. For Amman: Request you indicate whether in your judgment data in PFLP announcement represents “list” PFLP was expected to pose to ICRC (Amman 4744)2 and, if not, whether ICRC still expects to receive this list in view of PFLP announcement. Further progress in negotiating process hinges on receipt these names.

3. For Bern: In view latest PFLP announcement, you should again express our hope in strong terms that British, Swiss and Germans do not permit themselves to be drawn into any individual negotiations with PFLP but rather will continue to channel all their efforts through ICRC. You should also stress to Bern group importance our obtaining promptly as possible PFLP list of prisoners in Israel they want released and urge that group get ICRC to press hard on this. We assume that Israelis will continue to refuse to agree to commit themselves in advance to release “in principle” and, therefore, every effort should be made by ICRC to induce PFLP to come forth with specific list of names. For Israelis to do so would be buying “pig in poke.” Therefore, what ICRC needs to focus on is obtaining definitive list.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, AV 12. Secret; Flash. Drafted by Seelye and Scotes; cleared by Beaudry (EUR); and approved by Sisco. It was repeated Immediate to Bonn, London, Tel Aviv, and Geneva, and also repeated to USUN.
  2. Telegram 4744 from Amman, September 14, 1720Z. (Ibid.)