215. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel1

147517. 1. Sisco called Rabin 6:00 p.m. Sept 9 to bring him up to date on hijacking situation. Noted particularly deadline of tonight postponed and there now no specific expiration date. Also that Rochat has appointment very early tomorrow a.m. with PFLP rep and passengers on three aircraft safe.

2. Sisco informed Rabin we have prepositioned six C–130s at Incirlik. We request of GOI on contingency basis clearance overflight Israel these aircraft if need be in connection evacuation hostages. Rabin said there no question GOI would give clearance and that he would seek confirmation immediately.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, AV 12. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Stackhouse and approved by Sisco.