154. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon1
- Letter to You from King Faisal
In early July King Faisal made a trip to Cairo where he talked with President Sadat. He thereafter wrote you a letter [Tab B]2 on his impressions from Cairo:
- —There are a “firm intention and a determined resolve” both in the armed forces and among the majority of the Egyptian people to “begin the battle with Israel” to recover their lands and holy places and to wipe out the “shame” of 1967.
- —There is also a body of opinion which is striving for peaceful settlement. This viewpoint is “supported by the group which holds the reins of government in Egypt at present.”
- —Both groups reprove the US for its silence in the face of Israeli obstinance. Both are convinced that Israel does not want peace and stability which would be contrary to its “expansionist policy.” Both believe that if the US sincerely wanted peace, it could achieve that goal. If Israel rejected US advice, the US could withhold aid.
The King notes that the US has clearly defined its position regarding a peaceful settlement and “the nations involved have concurred in it.” But the King asks, what has the US done to bring this solution about—“what is it waiting for?”
The King urges that now—after the “bold” steps of Anwar Sadat— is the opportune time to establish peace. He feels that if the situation in the area should explode again, it will not be possible to calm it quickly. He urges you to move quickly. In closing, he notes the tide of “destructive forces” which may come to dominate the Eastern Mediterranean, the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea areas unless necessary preparations are made.
[Page 496]The draft reply at Tab A thanks the King for his views and states that we continue to seek ways toward a settlement.3 [Mr. Price has cleared the text.]
That you sign the reply at Tab A.
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 761, Presidential Correspondence 1969–1971, Saudi Arabia: King Faisal ibn Abdal-Aziz Al Saud, 1971. Secret. Sent for action.↩
- Attached but not printed at Tab B is King Faisal’s June 30 letter to Nixon. All brackets are in the original.↩
- Attached but not printed at Tab A is Nixon’s August 18 letter to Faisal.↩