274. Telegram From the Embassy in Korea to the Department of State1

4136. Subj: 5th Closed Senior MAC Members Meeting Feb 10.

Since meeting was so short and consisted largely of Admiral Smith’s reading of verbatim text, we will not send full transcript of meeting until we have had qualified language personnel examine it carefully and make any necessary revisions.2
Admiral Smith opened meeting by reading verbatim text of statement contained State 1118123 as amended by para 6 State 112452.4
Although Pak was probably only prepared to receive Smith’s response to his proposals regarding future conduct of business through formal meetings, he also noted without objection that portion of Smith’s statement which presented our view on disposition of Pueblo case. He then immediately proposed recess and formal meeting next time.
Admiral Smith countered with request for response to two questions contained at end of his statement.5 Pak replied that his side would express its position at formal meeting.
Admiral Smith, bearing in mind fact that NNSC conference room where this and previous meetings have been held is small and that additional personnel will attend formal meetings, asked Pak where he proposed that formal meetings be held. Judging from his reaction, Pak misinterpreted this question and apparently thought Smith had in mind holding meeting somewhere outside Panmunjom. He became flustered, consulted with KPA/CPV Assistant MAC Secretary who wrote out reply for him, and answered in manner betraying some anxiety that it his understanding both sides had already reached agreement that meetings will be held in NNSC conference room at Panmunjom. Smith concurred.
Pak agreed with Smith’s assumption that he would propose next meeting. Smith then proposed recess. Pak agreed.
Meeting recessed at 1413 hours local. At precisely that time KPA/CPV JDO was receiving Smith’s request for open MAC meeting Feb 12 to discuss tension resulting from armistice violations in and through the DMZ.6
Comments: During this meeting Pak parried request for information regarding NK intentions with respect return of ship and crew. Smith was prepared with special request for return of dead and wounded but, feeling that in this atmosphere he would accomplish nothing, he withheld request.7
Pak did not go back to question of Smith’s precise status in future formal meetings or refer again to point that two sides should be DPRK and USA.
Attendees feel that Pak was more polite, soft-spoken and cooperative than in previous closed meetings, albeit no more willing to concede or offer anything. Moreover, he was not aware during this meeting of our request for open MAC meeting, and we therefore have no basis for judgment as to how he will react to this request or what effect it will have on order and timing of subsequent meetings.
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 33–6 KOR N–US. Secret; Flash;Nodis; Cactus. Given to the President under February 10 covering memorandum from James L. Brown, Briefing Officer, White House Situation Room, which indicates that the President saw it. (Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Korea—Pueblo Incident—Cactus IIa, Cactus Seoul Cables, February 10 to February 28, 1968)
  2. A verbatim text of the meeting was transmitted in telegram 4137 from Seoul, February 10. (National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 33–6 KOR N–US)
  3. See footnote 3, Document 272.
  4. Dated February 8. (Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Korea—Pueblo Incident—Cactus IIa, Cactus Seoul Cables, February 10 to February 28, 1968)
  5. As reported in telegram 4137, Smith asked: “Are you prepared today to state your side’s readiness to return the crew and vessel? If you are not prepared today, will you be prepared at the next meeting to state that you will release the crew and vessel?”
  6. A summary of the open MAC meeting, which was held on February 14, was transmitted in telegram 4226 from Seoul, February 14. (National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 27–14 KOR/UN)
  7. The Department of State agreed that Smith’s approach was appropriate and instructed that the request not be made at the next meeting, “since we do not want give North Koreans impression that we expect anything less than immediate release of entire crew and ship.” The substance of the next meeting would determine whether the issue would be raised at a subsequent meeting or through the JDO. (Telegram 113551 to Seoul, February 10; ibid., POL 33–6 KOR N–US)