84. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Libya1

209026. Ref Tripoli 4204, 4216; Baida 579.2

Appreciate your efforts persuade GOL place RLAF officers at Wheelus Base Ops Center. You should continue to urge GOL to accept this offer, emphasizing we anxious Libyan representatives maintain 24-hour observation Wheelus activities in order satisfy themselves Cairo allegations totally false.
We consider Cairo charges about 6th Fleet and Wheelus complicity on side of Israel highly dangerous and as having directly served stir up mob action against Americans in various parts Arab world.
We would like be informed soon as GOL assigns any observation and liaison personnel to Wheelus so we may include this information in our publicity refuting Cairo allegations.
Per your suggestion we are taking steps include denial Wheelus being used in support of Israel in general denials relating to 6th Fleet activity.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 15 LIBYA–US. Confidential; Immediate. Drafted by Tron and Root, cleared by Cooper in S/AH and Bader in DOD/ISA, and approved by Trimble.
  2. Telegram 4204 from Tripoli, June 6; telegram 4216 from Tripoli, June 6; telegram 579 from Baida, June 4. (All ibid.)