641. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson1


  • Extension of Nuclear Energy Agreement with South Africa

The Department of State has requested your approval in principle of the renewal of our present agreement with South Africa on peaceful uses of nuclear energy, which will expire on August 21, 1967 unless renewed. AEC agrees with the conclusion of the Department of State that on balance it would be in our interest to renew the agreement. The Joint Committee on Atomic Energy has somewhat reluctantly come to the same conclusion. In addition, Ambassador Goldberg has been consulted and recognizes the importance of the reasons that have led the State Department to favor renewal. The attached State Department memorandum outlines the pros and cons and the extent to which the State Department has consulted members of Congress and others who will be affected.

I recommend that you authorize the State Department to proceed with the renewal of the agreement. If you agree, I will sign the attached memorandum to the Secretary of State.

It’s a tough decision; but, on balance, necessary, I believe.2




See me

  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Africa, General, Vol. V, 6/66–1/69. Limited Official Use.
  2. Rostow wrote this sentence by hand.
  3. This option is checked.