640. Memorandum of Conversation1


  • Guidelines for South African Arms Policy


  • G—Mr. Kohler (Chair)
  • EUR—Mr. Leddy
  • AF—Mr. Fredericks
  • G/PM—Mr. Kitchen
  • G/PM—Mr. Wolf
  • IO—Mr. Popper
  • L—Mr. Belman
  • G—Mr. Low
  • IO—Mr. Gleysteen
  • AF—Mr. Delaney
  • G/PM—Capt. Coward

On June 21, 1967 the participants met to review the Guidelines the USG follows in implementing the UN Arms Embargo for the Republic of South Africa.

Focus was principally upon the matter of licensing U.S. componentry for export to “third” countries for installation in end-times destined for South Africa. Decision was taken to amend the January 7, 1964 Guidelines2 to provide for such licensing, providing the component was neither a weapon nor an element thereof. In implementing the foregoing, it was agreed that previous actions, such as that in the Beagle-Cessna case, would not be affected.

It was noted that foregoing modification might attract attention (perhaps in the Congress) at some future date and thus a contingency justification statement should be prepared. The central theme of this paper to be that this step is an interpretation, rather than a change in policy, which will permit the Guidelines to be more consistent with a comprehensive global economic policy.

In reviewing the difficulties encountered in implementing the UN Arms Embargo, Mr. Kohler pointed out that to make the latter truly effective, it was necessary for the major supplying nations to agree on a single interpretation. Although aware of the lack of success of efforts to date, he stated that a new initiative was called for and thus would welcome ideas regarding new tactics which might be pursued.

Finally, participants were enjoined to keep the Guidelines, particularly the specific items restricted from licensing such as those included in [Page 1082] the Munitions List, under constant review to ensure reasonableness and consistency.

G/PM is currently modifying the Guidelines.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 12 S AFR. Confidential. Drafted by Coward on July 11.
  2. A copy of the January 7, 1964, Guidelines is attached to a January 21, 1964, memorandum from Deputy Under Secretary for Political Affairs U. Alexis Johnson to the Secretary. (Ibid., S/S Files: Lot 72 D 316, NSAM 295)