501. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain African Posts1
Washington, December 3, 1965, 6:48
1059. Southern Rhodesia
- 1.
- You should approach host government soonest to make clear USG strongly believes most useful action on Rhodesia at present is to support British measures designed both put pressure on Southern Rhodesia to topple rebel regime and to protect Zambia from probable retaliation from SR as consequence these pressures. Indications are that some countries, specifically UAR and Tanzania, hesitant grant over-flight clearance to UK aircraft supporting movement military forces to Zambia. OAU Ministerial Conference on SR opening Dec 3 in Addis Ababa will undoubtedly discuss UK measures.
- 2.
- In approach to governments, following concrete measures undertaken
by UK may be pointed out:
- A.
- Embargo on almost all imports from SR.
- B.
- Stringent financial controls, which largely remove SR control its foreign exchange held abroad.
- C.
- Direct and substantial financial assistance to Zambia.
- D.
- Dispatch of RAF unit and possibly other military forces to Zambia.
- 4.
- US firmly supports UK in its policy and is convinced UK determined bring down rebel regime. We believe UK will exert maximum economic pressure on SR and will help Zambia in event rebel regime reacts with retaliatory measures. Actions on part of any state which interferes with or blocks these British measures appears only to detract from their effectiveness. Violent and premature statements on part of other states could embarass Kaunda in his negotiations with Wilson on arrangements between these two countries on use of increased UK military forces.
- 5.
- Objective of approach to governments would ideally be instructions to their delegations in Addis Ababa designed produce resolutions assist UK and Zambia in present measures being taken. At very least, it would be hoped that no resolution would be passed which would condone activity hindering these concrete steps UK taking assist Zambia.
- 6.
- For Addis Ababa: Above may be used in approach to IEG and may be drawn upon discreetly in your continuing reporting contacts for exchange of views with delegation members.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 16 RHOD. Confidential; Immediate. Drafted by Officer in Charge of Southern Rhodesian Affairs Michael P. Hoyt; cleared by Kinsey, McElhiney, William D. Rogers of U, Officer in Charge of Ethiopian Affairs Fred J. Galanto, and Goldstein; and approved by Williams. Sent to Nairobi, Kampala, Blantyre, Lusaka, Lagos, Addis Ababa, Dar-es-Salaam, Abidjan, and pouched to Salisbury and London.↩