139. Telegram From the Embassy in Morocco to the Department of State1

453. Ref. Rabat 435.3

Further pursuant to my tel 435, during my breakfast with King he also mentioned in passing the fact that he had offered Asst Secy Palmer to enter into an alliance with the US in order to provide for reciprocity of interest between the two countries. As Dept will recall, Asst Secy Palmer pointed out difficulties involved with such a proposal. King mentioned this within the framework of endeavoring to demonstrate his continuing sincere interest in closer relations with the US in spite of his recent recourse to acquisition of limited quantities of Czech and Soviet arms and transport planes. PriMin Benhima during my conversation with him two days earlier also noted in reply to the various points I made regarding the danger of Soviet arms supply that Morocco had offered us an alliance which we had not seen fit to accept. I explained to him at the time the problems this kind of an approach to closer relations raised and the greater desirability of achieving his objective by building up our relations brick by brick based on concrete facts and achievements.
As indicated in Rabat 435, King’s thinking is now apparently turned in direction of some security understanding, on a regional basis, among moderates in Mediterranean.
I hope the Dept will examine suggestions made in my comments reftel in the foregoing context. As I indicated, it is clear the King does wish closer relations with US and it would be a pity if we were not to make every effort possible within the framework of our world-wide responsibilities to strengthen our relations further along the lines indicated.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 1 MOR–US. Secret; Priority; Limdis. Repeated to DOD, USCINCEUR, and CINCUSNAVEUR.
  2. Beginning in Spring 1965, the dates and transmission times of all incoming Department of State telegrams were in 6-figure date-time-groups. The “Z” refers to Greenwich mean time.
  3. Telegram 435 from Rabat, August 4, reported Tasca’s breakfast conversation with the King on August 3. (Department of State, Central Files, DEF 19 US–MOR)