64. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts1

509. Following is background, FYI, to British September 25 announcement suspension operation Aden Constitution. Over one year ago British promised independence to South Arabia, including Aden, not later than 1968. They have since been endeavoring work out with elements in area a constitutional framework for future state. Their efforts have been aborted by nationalist elements supported from Cairo who insisted on immediate implementation 1963 UN resolutions which inter alia called for national referendum, evacuation of British military base in Aden prior to independence, and immediate lifting emergency security measures. These latter measures have been instituted to preserve modicum of law and order in face growing terrorist campaign carried out by nationalists to enforce their demands. British have indicated their acceptance in principle of 1963 resolutions except for 1) evacuation of base, which they insist is matter for discussion between them and future independent South Arabian Government, and 2) lifting of security measures, which cannot be done in the face of terrorist attacks without plunging area into further chaos. In face deteriorating security situation and refusal of Aden State Ministers to condemn [Page 149] terrorism or cooperate in maintenance of law and order, British have suspended operation Aden constitution. They emphasize that this does not affect continued operation constitution other states in SAF, nor does it indicate any weakening their resolve grant independence not later than 1968. End FYI.

If queried, Department press spokesman intends reply as follows. Addressees authorized draw on this in discussions with host government, press and diplomatic colleagues.

We recognize that people of Aden and Saudi [South] Arabia have increasingly made manifest their legitimate desires for independence. The British Government has for some time been trying to bring together the various political groupings in Aden and Saudi [South] Arabia to work out a constitutional transition to independence, the date for which is set for not later than 1968. We note that, even though the Aden Constitution has been suspended in connection with acts of terrorism, the British Government has reaffirmed its intention to abide by that timing. We support an orderly evolution to independence in South Arabia and believe the ending of terrorism is a necessary step toward this end.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964-66, POL 19 ADEN. Confidential. Drafted by Moore on September 27; cleared by Symmes, Judd, Deputy Director of the Office of Northern African Affairs James J. Blake, Campbell, Ollie B. Ellison (NEA/P), and in substance by Director of the Office of News Robert J. McCloskey; and approved by Davies. Sent to Aden, Aleppo, Alexandria, Algiers, Amman, Baghdad, Baida, Basra, Beirut, Cairo, Casablanca, Damascus, Dhahran, Jerusalem, Jidda, Kuwait, Port Said, Rabat, Taiz, Tel Aviv, Tripoli, Tunis, London, and USUN.