465. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia1

82430. 1. In course your coming audience with King Faisal we hope you will be able discuss in some detail recent Yemen developments. You should express our growing concern at indications increasing Soviet involvement and make clear to him USG has no intention in present circumstances resuming relations with present YARG regime. Insofar as we have had contacts with Yemenis of various groups, we have taken line with them all that the Yemen problem cannot be settled from outside nor by force. Both Royalists and Republicans have their sympathizers and their tribal levies. No clear-cut military solution seems likely. Royalists should not expect turn clock back to unpopular Imamate nor should YARG insist on republican concept and refuse to negotiate with Royalist leaders who clearly command significant support in certain areas. Both sides should accordingly make renewed efforts to move their differences from military to political arena by finding some formula (e.g. State of Yemen concept; revitalized Arab [Page 858] Tripartite Committee) which would permit meaningful negotiations to get under way. We would hope all those with interests in seeing Yemen problem gradually de-escalated would see things in similar light.2

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 27 YEMEN. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Brewer and approved by Davies.
  2. In telegram 419 from Dhahran, December 13, the Ambassador reported that he discussed the Department’s concerns with Faisal that day and asked the King for his assessment of the situation. Faisal noted that if his earlier warnings had been heeded, the situation might be different now. He had only one suggestion. The U.S. Government should talk to the Soviets and try to make them understand that their intervention would only keep the parties apart and perpetuate the Yemeni civil war. (Ibid.)