430. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia1
Washington, March 29, 1967, 11:55,
164518. Cairo 5738;2 Jidda 3967.3
- 1.
- Dept encouraged by UAR suggestion. We fully concur Ambassador Hare would make exceptionally effective choice, both from personal and professional standpoint. In our view, next step should be early discussion with King Faisal in effort secure his agreement in principle, following which detailed terms of reference could be worked out on ad referendum basis to both governments.
- 2.
- You are accordingly instructed seek immediate audience with His Majesty to raise this subject. You should inform him that Ambassador Battle, after consultation with Dept, took advantage his final meeting with Nasser before leaving Cairo to reiterate our hope that way could be found bring about peaceful resolution Yemen problem. On personal basis Ambassador Battle asked Nasser whether on his return to Washington to assume broader responsibilities for USG relations with Near East he should urge USG offer join in one of several offers mediate Yemen problem or take initiative on our own in that direction. Nasser response was noncommittal. However, our Cairo Embassy learned some days ago that Egyptians were continuing keep this suggestion under advisement and, on March 28, Deputy FonMin informed our Charge that Nasser had reacted favorably Ambassador Battle’s idea and now willing respond favorably to US initiative possibly through a US representative such as Ambassador Raymond Hare. Ambassador Hare well and favorably known His Majesty from long association with Saudi Arabia both in Dept and as USG Ambassador, and we would be willing propose him formally undertake this task. Accordingly Dept has instructed you immediately approach His Majesty in order discuss general idea with him, stressing Dept interest in constructive proposal and willingness be of whatever help we can in helping resolve this longstanding problem.
- 3.
- Assuming Faisal reacts favorably, you should tell him that we envisage next step would be preparation terms of reference which we would then refer both parties for their consideration and acceptance. Once this done, and nomination Ambassador Hare approved by both sides, new USG initiative assist parties in reaching settlement could formally get under way.
- 4.
- For Cairo: Inform FonOff soonest Dept most interested in UAR attitude on possible role for Ambassador Hare and we now urgently taking up with Saudi Government.
- Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 27 YEMEN. Secret; Immediate; Exdis. Drafted by Brewer; cleared by Battle, Bergus, and Hare; and approved by Rusk. Repeated to Cairo.↩
- Document 429.↩
- In telegram 3967 from Jidda, March 29, Eilts stated that he believed Faisal could be persuaded to agree to resumption of U.S. mediation if Ambassador Hare were involved, but pointed out that the King would first want to know the terms of reference. (National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 27 YEMEN)↩