237. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia1

319. British Arms Sales Saudi Arabia.

Acting on instructions, British Embassy officer Jan. 4 stated Foreign Office wishes keep us informed its action with respect arms sales policy to Saudi Arabia. HMG continues recognize and support US position of primacy with respect training and maintenance facilities in Saudi Arabia. At same time UK balance of payments problem has become particularly acute, especially with respect to aircraft industry, and HMG is under great pressure assist actively in foreign sales. HMG thus required give British Aircraft Corporation full support throughout world. Acting under this pressure, HMG has recently again reassured Saudis that, if requested by SAG, it would be willing issue licenses for sale Thunderbird missiles, Lightning aircraft and radar facilities. In last few days, Labor Member Parliament Cronin (who formerly in Aviation Ministry but does not now have official position in Government) has gone to Saudi Arabia under BAC auspices in attempt to sell equipment.

Responding informally Department officer noted inherent conflict between British assurances for support U.S. primacy in training and maintenance of Saudis and attempts sell British equipment on which U.S. markedly less able provide such training and maintenance.

Would appreciate reports any indication from Saudi Arabia of renewed British arms sale activities.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964-66, DEF 12-5 SAUD-UK. Secret. Drafted by Moore, cleared by Judd and Quinn, and approved by Deputy Director of the Office of Near Eastern Affairs Harrison M. Symmes. Repeated to Dhahran, London, CINCSTRIKE for POLAND, and CHUSMTM Dhahran.