160. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Southern Yemen1

273624. Subject: PRSY-US Relations. Ref: Aden 1833,2 1847.3

Department concurs with general line Embassy’s proposed response to Faisal al-Shaabi contained para 6 reftel. Visit by Shaabi or other PRSYG leaders to Washington at this time in quest of USG aid should be discouraged. While we would of course welcome suspension PRSY anti-US campaign, budgetary stringencies such that any grant aid program for PRSY not now in cards. Moreover, advent of new US Administration and inevitable settling-in problem make it unlikely any PRSYG delegation coming here at this time could receive high-level USG attention it would expect.
Should Shaabi or Abdul Muhsin Luqman raise matter, you authorized say we would of course be willing to give sympathetic consideration to PRSY requests of an emergency or humanitarian nature, should general atmosphere in our relations make this feasible. Despite the fact that budgetary stringencies have precluded a grant aid program, we have endeavored, for example, help PRSY re emergency drug supplies (see para 3).
In this regard, you should note that US private organizations have, with considerable trouble in case of some scarce items, assembled in New York medicines requested by PRSY on an emergency basis. Air India agreement to transport medicines to Aden free of charge remains firm. AMER now believes that it can obtain within next few days from private sources additional funds required for packaging and local transportation of medicines to airport. While early delivery this shipment thus likely, you might note to Shaabi that continued willingness [Page 331] US private agencies participate in activities of this sort hardly to be expected as long as strident PRSY anti-American campaign continues. FYI. AMER Executive Secretary Collins has informed us some members his Executive Board already uneasy over AMER’s involvement in shipment of medicines to PRSY at time when latter co-sponsoring resolution at UNGA to seat Chicoms, flaunting its relations with Chicoms and North Koreans and continuing bitter and occasionally personal attacks against USG and its President. End FYI.
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL S YEMEN-US. Confidential. Drafted by Wrampelmeier on November 18; cleared by Brewer and AID/NESA Officer in Charge of CENTO, UAR & Limited Programs Thomas Ball; and approved by Davies. Repeated to Jidda and London.
  2. In telegram 1833 from Aden, November 10, Eagleton reported that PRSY official Faisal al-Shaabi had expressed interest in improving relations with the United States, and asked a mutual friend to determine whether a mission led by Faisal would be well-received in the United States and whether it would be possible to obtain a substantial amount of foreign aid. Eagleton noted that if Faisal wanted to discuss this matter directly, the Embassy could brief him on the present state of U.S.-PRSY relations, although it would want to show sympathy for Faisal and others who would like to bring PRSY policy into better balance, and would point out that the unfounded charges against the United States and the PRSY attitude on other issues did not make it easy to discuss U.S. aid seriously. (Ibid.)
  3. Dated November 16. (Ibid.)