130. Message From the Shah of Iran to President Johnson1

Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for your letter which I have received today2 and have perused with great care, and I am happy to observe that your views correspond exactly with mine.

We have done everything to secure the stability of the Persian Gulf area in cooperation with the relevant countries of the region. We have gone very far in that direction, and as far as any one can go, but our efforts so far have, unfortunately, been answered by precisely the opposite reaction to that expected. But we will continue to show patience until the parties concerned come to their senses.

The Persian Gulf is vital for Iran and is a matter of life and death to us. So long as our heart beats and there is any strength left in us, we shall do our utmost to keep it a free zone and a stable one.

I am sure that your Ambassador, Mr. Meyer, has reported to you on the conversation I had with him on the thirtieth of January. It is most heartening to witness the interest that you, Mr. President, and your government evince in the safeguarding of the stability and security of the Persian Gulf and its immunity from outside intrusion, now that the British have decided to withdraw.

It is also my firm conviction that no foreign power outside the relevant countries of the Persian Gulf should get involved in the maintenance of the peace of the area.

I look forward to receiving Under Secretary Rostow and to having discussions with him.

With my kindest regards and warmest good wishes,


Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 3
  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Special Head of State Correspondence File, Iran, 1/1/68-6/30/68. No classification marking. Telegram 108773, February 2, which transmitted the text of the message, states that it was delivered at 3 p.m. on February 1.
  2. See Document 129.
  3. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.