103. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom1

47358. London 2384.2

US continues attach great importance to UK presence in Gulf. We support current British position and will encourage HMG to continue maintain military forces in Gulf equal to task of providing security for Shaikhdoms.
We also concur in UK estimate which sounds experienced note of caution against too facile comparison between situations in South Arabia and Gulf States. Radical Arab organizations will without doubt increasingly direct attention to Gulf states and attempt erode hold of traditionalists over their populations. But we believe there smaller base on which build organized revolutionary activity in Gulf States than there was earlier in such cities as Aden, Taiz, Hodeida, while rapidly rising oil income in some states may reduce dissident pressures.
Addressees may accordingly, as circumstances warrant, make clear to appropriate British contacts that we continue believe UK can play major stabilizing role in Gulf area for indefinite period without encountering irresistible pressures from radical groups.
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 19 ADEN. Confidential; Limdis. Drafted by Brewer and Dinsmore on September 29; cleared by Irving Cheslaw (EUR/BMI), David W. McClintock (INR/RNA), Edward A. Padelford (NEA/RA), Brewer, and Davies; and approved by Battle. Repeated to Aden, Dhahran, Jidda, Kuwait, Tehran, and CINCSTRIKE/MEAFSA.
  2. Telegram 2384 from London, September 27, described a recent Foreign Office circular instruction contrasting the situation in South Arabia with that of the Gulf states and emphasizing the advantages of the latter. The circular pointed out that the Gulf rulers were recently assured by public statements of U.K. ministers, that the United Kingdom intended to stand by its commitments in the Gulf while there was a need for them. (Ibid.)