337. Telegram From the Embassy in Cyprus to the Department of State1

831. Tovan. Ref: USUN 2672.2 For Goldberg and Vance from Belcher.

I have just come from meeting with Makarios and Kyprianou. Kyprianou has spoken with Rossides on telephone and given instructions on following lines: he is to support an appeal by the Secretary General based on para one of the GOG-GOT agreement. He told Rossides that he and Makarios agree as set forth in para one of his letter to Vance.3 He told Rossides on phone (in my presence) that they could not agree to have anything in this first appeal on the basis of para four. He said that the Secretary General should do as suggested in para one USUN 2673.4 That is to discuss with the three governments the question of para four or as he put it, “This question of additional pacification measures and the role of UNFICYP”.
While waiting for call to Rossides Kyprianou had suggested this course of action prior to our receipt of USUN 2673. When I received word by phone by Embassy along lines USUN 2673, I explained Vance and Goldberg apparently now thinking along these lines too. I warned him however that we had no indication as yet that Turks would be willing go along with this suggestion. I reminded him that originally GOT had informed Vance that document stood or fell as a unit. Whether they could be persuaded to follow this suggestion was matter we could not answer at this time. We would try get their concurrence.
I showed Kyprianou new text para four per last para USUN 2672. He commented that if GOC accepted the revised language, would mean that GOC would agree that what the Turks want can be accomplished under the present mandate. He said in presence of Makarios GOC would reject language of para four unless qualified as per letter to Vance.
With regard to Kyprianou’s commitment to Vance as latter was leaving Palace, Kyprianou claims that what he said was that Rossides would be instructed not to oppose the Secretary General’s appeal as it was his understanding that para four would be subject to further discussion between Secretary General and three governments and would not be included in appeal.5
Rossides instructed contact Goldberg and SYG along these lines at once. He is also to give copy of Vance letter to SYG.
Additional re para four Kyprianou went over same ground as in our lengthy discussions with you night of 29th in Nicosia. Said if they had to give categoric reply to question of accepting or rejecting para four as then drafted (or as presently revised) they would have to reject. “For this reason we devised formula which appeared in letter to Vance”.
“GOC could not ‘sign away sovereignty’ by giving to UNFICYP undefined powers over internal security and other concepts included para four. For this reason they could only go along with statement accepting objectives of para four as being those of GOC too and agreeing to discussions in New York of role of UNFICYP in meeting between GOC, GOT, GOG and SYG.”
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 7 US/VANCE. Secret; Flash; Exdis. Also sent to Athens, USUN, and Ankara and repeated to London, Ottawa, the Mission to NATO, and CINCEUR.
  2. Document 335.
  3. The text of the letter is included in Document 334.
  4. Telegram 2673 from USUN, November 3, requested an immediate approach by the Secretary-General to the Turkish Government and transmitted an agreed text of the Turkish reply. (Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 CYP)
  5. Vanto 55 from Athens, November 30, reads: “Prior leaving Palace in Nicosia early this morning, ForMin Kyprianou commented to Vance that reference in para 1 to GOC ‘acknowledging’ the agreement between Greece and Turkey should be construed to mean that GOC will support the agreement.” (Ibid., POL 7 US/VANCE)