338. Telegram From the Embassy in Greece to the Embassy in Turkey1

2531. Vanto 62. We are manifestly in a dangerous bind. At this early morning hour, our options appear limited in numbers and attractiveness. Unless we get some glue into the situation in a hurry, the agreements between the Greeks and Turks which we brought about may quickly fall apart and the Turks may proceed with their landing plans.

We seem to have two possibilities: (1) US, UK, and GOG make combined, or separate, effort to persuade GOC to agree to an SYG appeal which includes the revised para 4 language, contained USUN 2672.2 We would inform GOT of this attempt. We would provide GOC assurances that we would be conscious of their sovereignty problems. (2) Same combination would exert maximum pressure on GOC to agree that SYG issue appeal, which includes request that interested parties meet with him to work out improved pacification measures. GOT would have to be brought aboard on this approach expeditiously. US, UK, and GOG would promise GOT we would use our full influence to reach agreement in New York on those measures.

Request comments soonest from addressees on these or other possibilities.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 7 US/VANCE. Secret; Flash; Exdis. Also sent to Nicosia, USUN, and the Department of State. The source text is the Department of State copy.
  2. Document 335.
  3. In telegram 841 from Nicosia, December 1, Belcher suggested that Vance return to Cyprus in an effort both to increase pressure for settlement on Makarios and to avoid a military intervention. (Department of State, Central Files, POL 7 CYP)