302. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Switzerland1

151414. Subject: European Unification and the Neutrals.

Swiss Trade Negotiator Weitnauer called on Leddy, April 22, and posed series of questions centering on neutral relations with EC. Essentials of exchange follow.
What would be U.S. position if faced with purely commercial arrangement not clearly leading to membership between EC and UK?
Leddy judged this unlikely eventuality since UK probably not settle for less than full membership in view of its determination gain political role in Europe. This especially important to UK as East of Suez position being drastically reduced. US does favor full UK membership and not a preferential commercial agreement.
Decade ago US had two motives for favoring European unity—political and economic. Today, economic goal less important because of European economic restoration. Political goal remains and is even more important. We see no chance Europe play decisive and constructive world role unless united. And given present US balance payments situation, only major political component could counterbalance US opposition to expanded area of European commercial discrimination.
In this political Europe, is there a place for a truly neutral country like Switzerland or Sweden?
Leddy replied that he did not believe Switzerland or Sweden needed to be members or associates of the EC for economic reasons. Each could solve its problems on an MFN basis. If a neutral became a member of the Communities, progress to political unity would be halted. We cannot see how the existing European political situation could be improved by a commercial arrangement involving the UK or the neutrals. It seems to us best to wait with some patience to allow the longer term forces pushing Europe toward unity to have their effect.
Weitnauer, during course of his inquiries, made clear his belief that UK should accept EC commercial arrangement and strongly hinted Switzerland and perhaps other small EFTA states would urge this on UK at May 8/9 EFTA Council. He said that desired UK membership could be advanced simply by involving EC and UK in commercial negotiations.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, EEC 6 UK. Confidential. Drafted by Fina, cleared by Wells Stabler (AIS), and approved by Leddy. Repeated to 13 European posts.