177. Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State1

2189. In separate conversations October 18 and 20 Quai Director Asian Affairs Manac’h told EmbOff:

Vietnam. His major impression of changes since his return from 5-weeks vacation were (a) effectiveness of US buildup (b) isolation of China and (c) lack of movement towards peaceful settlement, despite what would appear to be propitious psychological moment view (a) and (b) for new US gesture (presumably bombing pause).
Peace negotiations. He asked Mai Van Bo ten days ago whether Hanoi could accept conditions given Rusk by Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter, i.e., “cease bombardment,” and “cease military operations.” Bo answered “Yes and no,” adding third condition that Americans must specifically accept NLF as negotiating party. When EmbOff asked if 4 points were now 3 points, Manac’h shrugged and suggested that if EmbOff wished ask Bo he could arrange private luncheon, adding Bo confused by approaches private US citizens.2 EmbOff did not accept invitation. Manac’h confirmed that Tho delegation from Hanoi had had nothing constructive to say.

Bion. French Consul was alive and now well, after initial poor treatment and sickness. Quai upset that “intermediaries” (unnamed) offering release Bion at Hanoi, which would involve 1000-mile trek with risk bombardment. Manac’h pressing for Cambodian border or Saigon. Bion had “poor reputation among Americans,” but had not been engaged as rumored in negotiations with Viet Cong on behalf plantation owners.

[Here follow paragraphs on the India-Pakistan situation, Cambodia, Indonesia, China, and the Asian Development meeting at Bangkok.]

Reprisals. Manac’h was not aware of the deaths of the two Americans in North Vietnam. He asked how much warning we had and indicated that France would have been willing to intercede although they had been unsuccessful with Hertz. Undertook to mention issue to Bo and Soviet Charge Usachev whom he seeing Oct 21.

Department repeat as desired.

  1. Source: Department of State, EA/ACA Files: Lot 69 D 412, Mai Van Bo, 1965. Secret; Limdis. Received at 6:08 p.m.
  2. Apparent reference to Mai Van Bo’s discussions with American businessman Urah Arkas-Duntov (see Document 98) and with retired Foreign Service officer Edmund Gullion (see Documents 112, 113, 120, 122, and 133).