82. Memorandum From the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Johnson) to Acting Secretary of State Bowles0


  • Lao Paper

There is attached a copy of a draft memorandum for the President on Laos,1 drawn up by Mr. Bundy of Defense and myself, in accordance with a commitment made by the Secretary at the NSC meeting of May 2.2 Copies have been given to Mr. McGeorge Bundy, to Paul Nitze, Admiral Burke and the Attorney General. A previous draft was seen by the Secretary and broadly concurred in by him.

While in view of developments in Laos this paper is now largely contingent, it can quickly be updated and adapted to the situation if there is a breakdown in the cease-fire. There are two principal issues in the paper, one the timing of SEATO action with UN action, alternatives on which are set forth in numbered paragraph 3., on page 2, and reaction to movement of Viet Minh forces into Laos, as set forth in numbered paragraph G.3., on page 5. The recommendation on page 8 for simultaneous SEATO and UN action is purely that of the group who drafted the paper. The estimate of North Vietnam and Communist China’s capabilities as set forth in paragraph H., on page 6, is being revised by Defense and the JCS so as to make it clear exactly what forces could be brought to bear against the proposed SEATO operation.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751J.00/5–661. Top Secret. Drafted by Johnson.
  2. The memorandum, entitled Second Revised Draft, State-Defense, 6:30 p.m. May 4, 1961, W Bundy/UA Johnson, was not attached, but a copy of it and an undated annex, entitled “Pros and Cons of Military Intervention in Laos,” are in the Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Countries Series, Laos: General, 5/2/61–5/8/61.
  3. See Document 77.