360. Telegram From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief, Pacific (Felt)0
12, 1962, 9:31 p.m.
JCS 4527 DTG 130231Z (Army Message). Ref A. CINCPAC 110715Z. B. Admino CINCPAC 102145Z.1
- 1.
- Contingent upon completion necessary diplomatic arrangements
concerning which you will be advised separately, you are directed:
- (a)
- Off load Valley Forge blt and helos Bangkok and move to Udorn.
- (b)
- Move one Marine attack squadron to Udorn.
- (c)
- Move battle group (minus) 27th Inf to Ubon.
- (d)
- Reinforce battle group (minus) to self-contained unit strength.
- (e)
- Reinforce 9th logistic command unit now at Korat as necessary to support operations of battle group reinforced.
- (f)
- Move one USAF tactical air squadron plus necessary supporting units to Thailand, exact location at your discretion provided satisfactory to RTG.
- (g)
- Move CJTF–116 and necessary elements his staff, his component commanders and their staffs to Thailand. Assign all US combat units Thailand to his operational control.
- (h)
- Deploy elements of Seventh Fleet to supporting positions at your discretion.
- 2.
- Advise any augmentation required in excess PACOM resources, e.g., airlift, CASF, etc.
- 3.
- Advise any additional authorizations for movements combat and/or support units into Thailand you deem appropriate in light of current situation.
- 4.
- Interim mission forces concerned is to give clear indication US intentions carry out commitments assist in defense Thailand, precautionary impact these actions on situation in Laos, and to position US forces for faster reaction time for possible further actions subject to future decisions.
- 5.
- You are authorized to initiate movements as outlined herein provided that no forces enter Thailand until you are informed that diplomatic clearances (para 1 supra) have been obtained.