259. Memorandum From the President’s Military Representative (Taylor) to the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy)0

In the course of the meeting today of the 5412 Special Group, we discussed the items of business which should be taken up at the 9:30 meeting tomorrow on Laos.1 They appear to be the following: [Page 564]

A presentation by State of the alternatives facing us in Laos:
“Persuade” Phoumi to play ball by the technique suggested in the 5412 paper which you have seen.2
Get rid of Phoumi.
Desist in our efforts to form a Souvanna Phouma government.
An estimate by CIA of the probable enemy reaction to a break-off in negotiations.
A JCS estimate of the increased military capabilities of the Royal Laotian Army supported by indigenous tribesmen.

You may want to work up a formal agenda based upon the foregoing.


Attached hereto is a round-up made by Lt. Commander Bagley of activities going on today at State and Defense.4

  1. Source: National Defense University, Taylor Papers, Laos-SEATO 62, T–641–71H. Secret.
  2. This and Document 260 are the only records found relating to the January 6 meeting of the 5412 Special Group.
  3. Document 260.
  4. Printed from a copy that bears these typed initials.
  5. Document 258.