92. Telegram From the Consulate in Elisabethville to the Department of State1
153. Eisenberg2 and I called today on Tshombe who received us in presence of Struelens only. Meeting lasted over an hour. Tshombe seemed shaken and appeared to be seeking desperately for way to protect stability of Katanga which he feels could be endangered by re-entry into Congo without adequate guarantees or by possible military action by Léopoldville Government. Statement by Adoula making return of Katanga to Congo urgent task of his Government3 has made strong impression on Tshombe and his Ministers and probably been given sinister meaning.
Tshombe stated that he wants Katanga to stay in Congo and is ready participate in working out new constitution which necessary since old one is Belgian law and Congo too large to be administered on centralized principle and also to protect interest Katanga people. He had hoped obtain adequate assurances in summit meeting but with creation Central Government makes it necessary to use different procedures, probably negotiations within Parliament. This raises difficult problem in view small voice which Katanga representatives bound to have there and resulting danger of their wishes being overruled by majority. He recognized mutual advantages of Katanga’s remaining in [Page 182] Congo, particularly for his country with regard to manpower, markets, transportation and, lastly and less clearly, political desirability of unification. He also appeared aware that economic strength Katanga could be factor alleviating to some extent his political weakness in Central Parliament [government?], but threat of majority decision disregarding views of minority or of military action if negotiations do not take place appear to dominate his thinking. He implied need for US and UN support in future negotiations on form and organization new Congo if Katanga’s wealth and stability to be safeguarded.
(While Tshombe took definite position in favor reunification Congo, his Cabinet appears divided on this issue. In particular, Munongo reported opposed to sending Parliamentarians to Leopold-ville or making statement in favor reunification envisaged in Washington after talks with Tshombe and Struelens. However, question of specific steps which Katanga Government might take to reopen talks with Léopoldville was not discussed.)
Recent Khiari statement that UN would not interpose itself if Central Government tried to end secession Katanga considered very ominous and Tshombe and his Ministers clearly fear that Mobutu’s troops will be permitted by UN to march down here. Tshombe in general critical of UN operations in Katanga which he believes aim is goading Katanga Government into actions which permit UN to react strongly. Referred to numerous local incidents involving UN troops individually and their security actions. On other hand he fully aware beneficial effect UN presence had in rest of Congo and dangers for Katanga if UN had not stepped in. He appeared to be satisfied with cooperation given by O’Brien but considers Tombelaine4 as clearly unfriendly to Katanga and asked Eisenberg specifically to try to improve atmosphere by talking to Tombelaine. (O’Brien left today for two weeks in Europe under long-standing engagement.) Also makes UN responsible for inability establish contact with Kasavubu in Brazzaville.
Tshombe raised question of protection for Parliamentarians and was assured of our confidence in UN’s ability to satisfy him, passing on Linner’s detailed information of measures in force. He also referred to effect of three weeks presence Mobutu’s officers on his army where mutiny had just barely been nipped in bud. Mobutu’s officers had propagandized Katanga soldiers, suggested they request higher pay and inveigled them against whites.
In reply to questions and statements of Tshombe we stressed our satisfaction over Tshombe’s clear intent to re-establish unity of Congo and engage in negotiations on constitutional questions. We explained [Page 183] that form and structure relations of Katanga with rest of Congo are internal matter of Congo which should be worked out by peaceful negotiations and expressed strong hope they will succeed without bloodshed or military operations. We suggested discussions would perhaps concentrate more on substance rather than questions of principle. US could not interfere in such internal matters but we recognized difficulties which Tshombe faces in protecting political and economic stability of his country. Furthermore we explained importance which US places on reunification of Congo in line with world political situation, Berlin and UN organization issues, views of other African nations and future of Congo and Katanga itself. On specific question what US policy is in light yesterday’s formation new government, we repeated that general line of our policy unaffected, namely need for Congolese to get together and discuss and work out constitution and administrative problems of reunification. We also expressed strong hope Tshombe in interest his own position in world will see fit make public views expressed to us that Katanga wants to remain within Congo and ready to engage in discussions on reunification with rest of country. Tshombe retorted by using well worn formula that he always had been willing to negotiate with rest of Congo and fault was on other side if no progress made. Struelens apparently trying to persuade Tshombe to send Parliamentarians to Léopoldville or at least make public statement using formula worked out in Washington. In discussion he attempted without success to support Tshombe. Indications are Tshombe will face considerable struggle within cabinet before he would get approval of any action or policy statement in favor Congolese unity.
On other hand, it would appear imperative for UN to attempt creating appropriate framework for negotiations on reunification if they are to take place at all and if they are to result in a solution which would permit Katanga to make a positive contribution to the Congo in economic and political terms.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/8–361. Confidential; Priority. Received at 3:01 p.m. Also sent to Léopoldville and repeated to Brussels, USUN, Paris, and London.↩
- Deputy Director of the Office of Central African Affairs Robert Eisenberg.↩
- Adoula was approved as Prime Minister by both houses of Parliament on August 2. The text of his address to Parliament on that date is printed as an annex to U.N. doc. S/4923; also in Verhaegen, Congo 1961, pp. 422–433.↩
- Deputy U.N. representative in Elisabethville Michel Tombelaine.↩