List of Persons
- Adoula, Cyrille, Congolese Minister of the Interior until July 1961; Prime Minister from August 1961
- Alphand, Herve, French Ambassador to the United States
- Balewa, Sir Abubakar Balewa, Prime Minister of Nigeria
- Ball, George W., Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, February–December 1961; thereafter Under Secretary of State
- Bell, David E., Director of the Bureau of the Budget, January 1961–December 1962; thereafter Administrator of the Agency for International Development
- Blue, William L., Deputy Director of the Office of Western European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until July 1961; Director, July 1961–February 1962
- Bomboko, Justin, President of the Congolese College of Commissioners and Commissioner for Foreign Affairs until February 1961; Foreign Minister, February 1961–April 1963; thereafter Minister of Justice
- Bowles, Chester A., Under Secretary of State until December 1961; President’s Special Representative and Adviser on African, Asian, and Latin American Affairs, and Ambassador at Large, December 1961–June 1963; Ambassador to India from July 1963
- Brubeck, William H., Deputy Executive Secretary, Department of State, August 1961–May 1962; Special Assistant to the Secretary of State and Executive Secretary, May 1962–July 1963; thereafter member of National Security Council Staff
- Bruce, David K.E., Ambassador to the United Kingdom from March 1961
- Buffum, William B., Deputy Director, Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State, until November 1963; thereafter Director of that Office
- Bunche, Ralph J., United Nations Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs
- Bundy, McGeorge, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 1961
- Burden, William A.M., Ambassador to Belgium until February 1961
- Burdett, William C., Jr., Director, Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until September 1962; thereafter Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs
- Burke, Admiral Arleigh A., Chief of Naval Operations until August 1961
- Caccia, Sir Harold, British Ambassador to the United States until October 1961
- Canup, William C., Consul at Elisabethville until September 1961
- Carlucci, Frank C., III, Second Secretary at the Embassy in the Congo until December 1961; Officer in Charge of Congo (Leopoldville) Affairs, Office of Central African Affairs, Bureau of African Affairs, Department of State, from February 1962; Officer in Charge of Congo (Leopoldville) Political Affairs from May 1963
- Cardoso, Mario, Congolese Permanent Representative to the United Nations until June 1962; thereafter Charge of the Embassy in the United States
- Cleveland, Harlan, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs from February 1961
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, French Foreign Minister
- Dayal, Rajeshwar, Special Representative of the U.N. Secretary-General in the Congo until May 1961
- Dean, Jonathan, Consul at Elisabethville from August 1962
- Dean, Sir Patrick, British Permanent Representative to the United Nations
- Dillon, C. Douglas, Secretary of the Treasury from January 1961
- Dulles, Allen W., Director of Central Intelligence until November 1961
- Eisenberg, Robert, Office of West African Affairs, Bureau of African Affairs, Department of State, until June 1961; Deputy Director, Office of Central African Affairs, from June 1961 until March 1963
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., President of the United States until January 20, 1961
- Fredericks, J. Wayne, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs from May 1961
- Gardiner, Robert K.A., United Nations Representative in the Congo, April 1961–February 1962; Officer in Charge of the U.N. Operation in the Congo, February 1962–April 1963
- Gbenye, Christophe, Minister of the Interior in the opposition regime in Stanleyville until July 1961; Congolese Minister of the Interior, August 1961–February 1962; Deputy Prime Minister, February–July 1962
- Gilpatric, Roswell L., Deputy Secretary of Defense from January 1961
- Gizenga, Antoine, Prime Minister of the opposition regime in Stanleyville until July 1961; Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo, August 1961–January 1962; thereafter imprisoned
- Godley, G. McMurtrie, II, Counselor of Embassy in the Congo, June 1961–August 1962; thereafter Director of the Office of Central African Affairs, Bureau of African Affairs, Department of State
- Greene, Colonel M.J.L., Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs; headed Special Military Advisory Team to the Congo, June–July 1962
- Gullion, Edmund A., Ambassador to the Republic of the Congo from September 1961
- Hamilton, Fowler, Administrator of the Agency for International Development, September 1961–December 1962
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, Secretary-General of the United Nations until his death on September 18, 1961
- Harriman, W. Averell, Ambassador at Large, February–December 1961; Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, December 1961–April 1963; thereafter Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
- Herter, Christian A., Secretary of State until January 20, 1961
- Hilsman, Roger, Jr., Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, February 1961–April 1963; thereafter Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs
- Hoffacker, Lewis, Consul at Elisabethville, October 1961–August 1962; thereafter First Secretary at the Embassy in the Congo
- Home, Lord (Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home), British Foreign Secretary until October 1963
- Ileo, Joseph, President of the Republic of the Congo Senate; Prime Minister, February–August 1961; Minister of Information and Culture, August 1961–July 1962; Minister Resident in Katanga from January 1963
- Johnson, U. Alexis, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from April 1961
- Kasavubu, Joseph, President of the Republic of the Congo
- Kaysen, Carl, member of the National Security Council Staff, June–December 1961; thereafter Deputy Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
- Kennedy, John F., President of the United States from January 20, 1961, until his death November 22, 1963
- Khiari, Mahmoud, Chief of the United Nations Civilian Operation in the Congo, September 1961–September 1962
- Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich, Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers
- Kohler, Foy D., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until August 1962; Ambassador to the Soviet Union from September 1962
- LeMay, General Curtis E., Chief of Staff, United States Air Force, from June 1961
- Lemnitzer, General Lyman L., Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff until September 1962
- Linner, Sture C., Chief of the United Nations Civilian Operation in the Congo until September 1961; Officer in Charge of the United Nations Operation in the Congo, May 1961–February 1962
- Loridan, Walter, Belgian Representative to the United Nations
- Lumumba, Patrice, former Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo; died January 1961
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, Ambassador to Belgium from May 1961
- Macmillan, Harold, British Prime Minister until October 1963
- Mathu, Eliud W., United Nations representative in Katanga
- McGhee, George C., Counselor of the Department of State and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council, February–December 1961; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, December 1961–March 1963
- McKeown (MacEoin), Major General Sean (later Lieutenant General), Commander, United Nations Force in the Congo until March 1962
- McNamara, Robert C., Secretary of Defense from January 1961
- Mobutu, Colonel Joseph, Chief of Staff of the Congolese National Army; after January 23, Major General and Commander in Chief of Congolese Forces
- Munongo, Godefroid, Katangan Minister of the Interior until April 1963; thereafter Minister of Health
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, Prime Minister of India
- Nkrumah, Kwame, President of Ghana
- O’Brien, Conor Cruise, United Nations Representative in Elisabethville, June–December 1961
- Ormsby Gore, David, British Ambassador to the United States
- Plimpton, Francis T.P., Deputy Representative to the United Nations and Deputy Representative to the Security Council from March 1961
- Prem Chand, Major General Dewan, United Nations military commander in Katanga
- Rikhye, Brigadier General Indar Jit, Military Adviser to the U.N. Secretary-General
- Robiliart, Herman, President of Union Miniere and a Director of the Societe Generale
- Rothschild, Robert, Special Assistant to the Belgian Foreign Minister for Congo Affairs, January–April 1961; thereafter Chef de Cabinet, Belgian Foreign Ministry
- Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State from January 1961
- Satterthwaite, Joseph C., Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs until February 1961; thereafter Ambassador to the Republic of South Africa
- Scheyven, Louis, Belgian Ambassador to the United States
- Sisco, Joseph J., Director, Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State, July 1961–November 1963; thereafter Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, Belgian Vice Premier and Foreign Minister from April 1961
- Stevenson, Adlai E., Representative to the United Nations
- Taylor, General Maxwell D., President’s Military Representative until October 1962; thereafter Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Thant, U, Acting Secretary-General of the United Nations, November 1961–November 1962; thereafter Secretary-General
- Timberlake, Clare H., Ambassador to the Congo until June 1961
- Truman, Lieutenant General Louis W., headed mission to the Congo, December 1962
- Tshombe, Moise, President of Katanga Province in the Republic of the Congo
- Tubby, Roger, Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, March 1961–April 1962
- Tyler, William R., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, May 1961–September 1962; thereafter Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs
- Vance, Sheldon B., Director, Office of Central African Affairs, Bureau of African Affairs, Department of State, June 1961–August 1962
- Wachuku, Jaja, Nigerian Representative to the United Nations and Chairman of the United Nations Conciliation Commission for the Congo, January–March 1961; Nigerian Minister for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs from July 1961
- Wallner, Woodruff, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs
- Welensky, Sir Roy, Rhodesian Prime Minister
- Wigny, Pierre, Belgian Foreign Minister until April 1961
- Williams, G. Mennen, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs from January 1961
- Yost, Charles W., Ambassador to Morocco until March 1961; thereafter Deputy Representative to the U.N. Security Council and Representative to the U.N. General Assembly