146. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations0

2028. Ref: USUN’s 2809 to Dept;1 Jidda’s 49 to USUN;2 Cairo’s 63 to USUN.3 View favorable responses to UN emissary proposal from both UAR and SAG and likelihood YAR acquiescence, Dept believes time has come:

To inform UNSYG UAR has now agreed to appointment of UN emissary to explore means by which disengagement can be started. You might recall that SAG and HKJ had already accepted Spinelli proposal, that Faysal and Hussein expected go along with new proposal, and that we believe YAR likely acquiesce. You may draw upon reftels in reporting these developments.
To reiterate to him our belief, reinforced by recent developments, that personal representative of UNSYG acting as friend of all parties to dispute would have best chance of getting process of disengagement started.
To suggest for his consideration our general ideas as to how mediation operation might evolve drawing upon para 3 of USUN’s 2809 [Page 331] to Dept. You might point out that following visit by UNSYG representative to four capitals for purpose taking measure of problem and drawing up tentative formula for disengagement we have in mind establishment verification unit if formula accepted. As suggested in your 2809, we should avoid attempting put forward as our own too detailed a scheme, but of course we wish avoid repetition of previous exercise in which parties did not understand what was sought. Immediate objective is to get SYG representative out to area soonest.
To indicate our continued belief representative appointed by him stands best chance success resolving this problem and as earnest our support we willing have an American undertake this mission if he so desires. Former Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker prepared serve in this capacity. We consider him an eminently suitable choice.4 Bunker immediately available. If mission not accomplished by end of February, he would have to return for limited period but could go out again to continue mission if required. As before, we would support mediation efforts in the capitals concerned.
We hope SYG, if he agrees to foregoing, will move rapidly obtain approval governments concerned, since present juncture of circumstances is as favorable as we could wish and we would like to get mediation effort underway before further untoward events recur, such as bombing of Saudi soil.

You might wish mention to SYG that in consonance with his suggestion we have urged UK to extend recognition to YAR.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 786H.00/1–2863. Secret; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Campbell and Seelye; cleared by Strong (in draft), Wallner, Sisco, and Rogers (S/S); and approved by McGhee. Repeated to Cairo, Jidda, and London.
  2. In telegram 2809 from USUN, January 21, the Mission commented on the status of the proposal for a neutral intermediary for Yemen and offered a series of proposals for terms of reference. (Ibid., 786H.00/1–2163)
  3. In telegram 49 from Jidda to USUN, January 12, repeated to the Department of State as telegram 559, Hart reported that Faysal had stated that he had no objection to U Thant sending his personal representative to Saudi Arabia, but continued to insist that any solution to the Yemen problem conform to his four requirements (see Document 125). (Department of State, Central Files, 786H.00/1–1263)
  4. Dated January 28, repeated to the Department of State as telegram 1103. (Ibid., 786H.00/1–2863)
  5. During a telephone conversation on January 22, McGhee recommended to Rusk that Bunker be appointed intermediary for the Yemen dispute. Rusk accepted the suggestion enthusiastically, saying that Bunker would be “three times better” than the other choices. (Department of State, Rusk Files: Lot 72 D 192, Telephone Conversations)