329. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) to Secretary of State Rusk0

I am concerned lest if we increase MAP for Greece as is, I gather, being advocated by General Norstad, we will be going contrary to the President’s instruction in NSC Action 2447 of last January 18th.1 In effect it called for prompt further reviews of US aid programming for certain [Page 632] key countries, including Greece, and recommendations by July 15 for proposed FY 1964–68 military assistance plans (including the final proposed FY 1963 program) on certain alternative bases.

My query is whether a quick decision now would not at least partly prejudge the outcome of this exercise. If a quick decision is imperative, we must of course bite the bullet. However, in view of the President’s desire for a thorough-going review of the Greek and Turkish aid programs, I believe we should consult his wishes in this case.

McGeorge Bundy
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 811.0081/4–2362. Secret. Also sent to the Secretary of Defense and the Administrator of the Agency for International Development. A note on the source text indicates the memorandum was received and distributed in the Department of State as NSAM No. 139.
  2. This NSC Action instructed the Agency for International Development to prepare a study of its programs with an emphasis on the mix of military and economic assistance, alternative programs, and, in the case of Greece and Turkey, to take into consideration the special factor of their NATO membership. (Ibid., NSC Files: Lot 70 D 265, NSC Meeting, January 18, 1962)