193. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Germany0

3151. Paris also pass USRO. Reference: Bonn 3434 and 3435 and Berlin 1230.1 Subject: Possible Soviet/GDR Action Related to East Berlin.

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We agree that special attention should be given to collection and assessment of evidence bearing on possible Soviet/GDR actions related to east Berlin. We also agree that formal incorporation of east Berlin into GDR is one of more likely Soviet moves. We believe, however, that we should be careful not to focus so closely on this contingency that we might miss other signals which point to other possible Soviet moves related to Berlin.
We believe there should be a review of existing contingency plans, in order to be ready to deal with full range of possible Soviet/GDR actions related to east Berlin. This should include:
Possible Allied and/or German actions, including warnings, to forestall Soviet/GDR action.
Preparation of appropriate statements and protests.
Possible Allied actions to offset psychological impact on Germans of Soviet/GDR actions.
Possible Soviet/GDR action related to Allied and/or non-Allied access to east Berlin.
We believe that this review should be initiated on tripartite basis in Berlin. (We notice from Berlin’s 1247 that there has already been preliminary discussion.)2 The planning should then be reviewed quadripartitely in Bonn, with aim of submitting recommendations to Ambassadorial Group by July 15.
Request that Live Oak be kept informed.3
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 28 Berlin. Secret; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Ausland; cleared by Anderson, Cash, Thompson, Department of Defense (ISA), and JCS; and approved by Davis. Repeated to Berlin, London, Paris, Moscow, SHAPE, U.S. Element Live Oak, CINCEUR, USAFE, and USAREUR.
  2. Telegrams 3434 and 3435 from Bonn, June 13, and telegram 1230 from Berlin, June 7, each explored various aspects of possible Soviet moves in Berlin, including the incorporation of East Berlin into the German Democratic Republic, and advocated a review of contingency plans to meet the full range of possible Soviet actions. (All ibid.)
  3. Telegram 1247, June 13, reported that the British had raised the question of contingency planning in response to incorporation of East Berlin at a Deputy Political Advisers meeting. (Ibid.)
  4. On June 19 the Department of State advised the Embassy in Moscow that the Soviet Union might be planning some action for East Berlin, perhaps in connection with President Kennedy’s visit to the city on June 26. The Embassy was further informed that if any Soviet official gave an indication of a change in the status of East Berlin, he should be told that this would cause the United States to review its position on the status of West Berlin without specifically stating that it would support incorporation of the western part into the Federal Republic of Germany. (Ibid.)