171. Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State0

1840. Policy. Gromyko called me in at 2:30 pm Moscow time today and made two oral statements: (1) proposing continuation Soviet-US talks on German peace settlement, and (2) protesting large-diameter pipe embargo. He asked I transmit these to President and Secretary when I returned Washington. I said I would do so and noted timeliness their presentation, since this would give us chance discuss them while I was in Washington.

Gromyko said that Soviets did not intend give either statement press (adding that they sometimes thought communication with USG was confidential and then found that leak had taken place “on other side Atlantic”).

We agreed to tell press only that I had been called in to see Gromyko and we had discussed matters bilateral interest.

Text Gromyko’s statement on German problem follows. (Pipe protest contained next following tel.)1

Begin text. In connection with discussion of January 18,2 I inform you that Soviet Government is ready to continue Soviet-American exchange of views on questions relating to German peace settlement and normalization on that basis of situation in West Berlin, with a view to concluding these negotiations through attainment in near future of appropriate understanding.

Regarding methods of continuing exchange of views, following considerations are offered.

We should find acceptable talks in Washington, through Soviet Ambassador, or here, in Moscow, through Ambassador of USA. If American side agrees that exchange of views should be continued in Moscow, we should welcome that.

Of course, we are ready to receive other special American repre-sentatives as well, whose participation in discussion of German problem President of USA might find useful.

Soviet Government will give instructions to its representatives to continue discussion of concrete questions, relating to German peace settlement [Page 481] and normalization of situation in West Berlin, taking into account exchange of views which has already taken place, with the goal of preparing drafts of appropriate agreements.

When such drafts have been agreed upon, it would be possible to reach agreement on procedure and means for their definitive approval. End text.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL US–USSR. Secret; Niact; Limit Distribution.
  2. Telegram 1841, January 26. (Ibid., Str 12–3 USSR)
  3. See Document 170.