423. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Peru1

113. Eyes only for Henderson. Deptel 108.2 As result meeting this morning with President and SecState, following clarification provided for your guidance.3

[Page 870]

We are seriously concerned possible loss US prestige and influence hemisphere affairs as result any outward appearance of failure our efforts. We therefore wish expedite solution in such way as not to leave US isolated or to give appearance US capitulation.

With respect OAS, efforts now being made to put off decision on Venezuelan initiative for MFM at COAS meeting this afternoon for week or ten days without substantive debate, but US definitely opposed MFM. We seeking method handle issue of OAS role without letting down Betancourt too hard.

On recognition issue, appears several European states may resume relations almost immediately but, except for Haiti and possibly Paraguay, Department hopeful no other LA nations will recognize this week.

With view US resumption relations at appropriate time (we waited three weeks in Argentine case) we anxious you intensify negotiations with Junta through appropriate intermediaries looking toward specific restatement, in package to which we could point, of certain concessions of which first two not new but, in our view, not sufficiently understood by world opinion:

Guarantee of continued civil liberties.
Guarantee of free and fair elections, preferably before June 9 but at no later date, with full rights to all parties under Constitution, and with guarantee that Armed Forces will respect results those elections.
Offer by Junta, as indication of good faith, to invite OAS observers during electoral processes. This concession would particularly strengthen Junta’s position with respect continental opinion and would also facilitate US recognition. Important that above elements be incorporated in some sort of restatement.

Some civilianizing of Cabinet, provided civilian members were known for dedication to constitutional processes, would make our recognition easier, but our view is not to insist on this as sine qua non of recognition.

Finally, we still consider it important receive private assurances from Junta that communists will not be permitted to use present situation to strengthen their position in Peruvian labor.

Junta should understand that while other countries and US might be willing resume normal relations, this would not imply resumption of aid automatically.

Please communicate soonest any results negotiations.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 723.00/7-3062. Secret; Niact. Drafted by Loeb and Martin; cleared by Belcher, Dungan, S, and S/S; and approved by E.M. Martin.
  2. Not printed. (Ibid., 723.00/7-2762)
  3. No memorandum of conversation for this meeting was found.