270. Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to the Department of State1
Secto 28. Eyes only Acting Secretary. Re Secto 22 sent London 690.2 Lord Home and I discussed British Guiana. He fully understands and sympathizes with our basic plan that Britain must not leave behind another Castro situation in this hemisphere. Fraser will return through Washington to see President. Home said Fraser would recommend a commission to study causes of recent disorders in British Guiana. Such a commission would delay independence and its report would muddy situation sufficiently to reopen Britain’s present commitments as to schedule. Home seems ready to accept continuation British responsibility for a period despite their anxiety to settle troublesome and expensive problem.
[1 paragraph (31/2 lines of source text) not declassified]
For present I do not believe covert action with or without British is indicated. Home does not want to go down that trail until overt possibilities of delay are fully exploited. It is quite clear, however, that he does not exclude such action if delay and procrastination do not succeed.
I am convinced that he fully understands seriousness our view and wants to cooperate as intimate ally in finding answer which is acceptable to us.
Dept please have Wisner advised not to pressure matter for time being.