268. National Security Action Memorandum No. 1351


  • The Secretary of State


  • British Guiana

No final decision will be taken on our policy toward British Guiana and the Jagan government until (a) the Secretary of State has a chance to [Page 552] discuss the matter with Lord Home in Geneva, and (b) Hugh Fraser completes his on-the-spot survey in British Guiana for the Colonial Office.

The questions which we must answer before we reach our decision include the following:

Can Great Britain be persuaded to delay independence for a year?
If Great Britain refuses to delay the date of independence, would a new election before independence be possible? If so, would Jagan win or lose? If he lost, what are the alternatives?
What are the possibilities and limitations of United States action in the situation?

John F. Kennedy2
  1. Source: Department of State, NSAM Files: Lot 72 D 316. Secret. Copies were sent to Attorney General Kennedy, McNamara, McCone, and General Maxwell D. Taylor.
  2. Printed from a copy that indicates Kennedy signed the original.