144. Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to the Department of State1

Secto 47. Eyes only for the President and Acting Secretary. No Other Distribution. Six resolutions representing our six-point program were passed by conference early this morning with twenty votes for strong declaration on Communist offensive in hemisphere, Alliance for Progress and expulsion Cuba from Inter-American Defense Board. Establishment of security committee received nineteen votes, one abstention. Economic measures sixteen votes, four abstentions and exclusion Cuba from organs and agencies OAS fourteen votes, six abstentions.2

Only disappointment was exclusion vote with Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia abstaining on resolution as whole although joining with majority to give twenty votes on first two operating paragraphs underlining incompatibility Marxism-Leninism and present Cuban Government with inter-American system. Efforts to find formula to bridge gap continued up to final stage. Uruguay played courageous and key role in providing fourteenth vote. Keenest disappointment was emphasis abstainers on juridical arguments to such an extent as to imply majority was acting illegally. They let us down not so much by their votes as by way they handled it. In each instance severe internal problems were cited privately as determining their attitude and in all countries except Argentina I must confess these factors obviously dangerous and important. Brazil has especially vulnerable internal factors with government which manages to stabilize the left and which is anxious not to provide Quadros liberal and leftist support.

I would suggest general theme your press conference this subject ought to be program as a whole indicating remarkable movement in hemisphere in past several months in recognizing dangers of Communist penetration program in startling contrast to results San Jose conference sixteen months ago and far more than could have been reasonably expected as late as early December. Would try to get specific point of difference into context entire achievement and context of unanimous recognition of incompatibility Cuban regime with inter-American system. You might point out that smaller countries especially in and around [Page 308] Caribbean feel themselves to be under direct Castro-Communist pressures and that US felt it important that OAS give these countries its full support. Countries at greater distance from Cuba feel less directly threatened by Castroism. Would urge caution in discussing questions of diplomatic victory or defeats as between friends in OAS; OAS itself scored a most significant victory looking at program as whole. Most important you not show irritation or annoyance those abstaining expulsion vote since we must proceed on basis closest cooperation with them.

Congressional advisers pleased with results but naturally upset about countries abstaining expulsion vote. But I know they will return with better appreciation realities Latin American scene and with conviction that conference succeeded.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 371.04/1-3162. Confidential; Eyes Only; Niact. Received at 4:49 a.m. and passed to the White House.
  2. The texts of the resolutions are printed in the “Final Act of the Eighth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Serving As Organ of Consultation in Application to the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, Punta del Este, Uruguay, January 22-31, 1962” (OAS doc. OEA/Ser.C/II.8), and in Department of State Bulletin, February 19, 1962, pp. 278-283.