141. Telegram From the Department of State to the Delegation at the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics at Punta del Este1

Tosec 48. For Secretary from Ball. In conversation with President last night he reflected concern way press was playing Punta del Este conference as defeat for United States if anything less than full sanctions approved. He thought you might wish consider backgrounder in Punta del Este for United States correspondents pointing out limited character of results we had originally hoped for and progress you were making in equalling or surpassing initial realistic expectations. He feels that press here is representing our original expectations extravagantly and consequently any result less than sweeping sanctions may be interpreted as defeat. At same time he is fully aware of sensitivity of situation in Punta del Este and need to avoid any suggestion in press stories as to views of United States Delegation which might adversely affect course of negotiations.

I pass these comments on for your consideration, in the light of the situation as you appraise it on the spot. Meanwhile I have spoken to Fulbright who believes that suspension from OAS organizations far more significant than economic sanctions. I feel confident that if you obtain suspension resolution he would be prepared to announce he regards this as triumph. Along same line believe it possible to arrange for other similar expressions of opinion and as soon as probable shape and form of resolution becomes clear we shall take steps here to prepare ground for appropriate statements to be made once resolution finally adopted.

Example of press treatment specifically called to my attention by President is today’s New York Times article by Tad Szulc headlined “Split on Cuba is Blow to U.S.” Main burden of article is that US did not prepare ground sufficiently and was unrealistically optimistic about results.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 371.04/1-2862. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Ball.