213. Telegram From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief, Atlantic (Dennison)0
Washington, May 9, 1961,
12:28 p.m.
JCS 995627. Exclusive for Adm Dennison, Gen Powell, Gen Everest. Subject is Guidance for Development of Operations Plan on Cuba.
- 1.
- Submit to the JCS for approval a plan
for military assault of Cuba. The plan must:
- a.
- Assure overthrow of the Castro government in minimum time.
- b.
- Assure necessary control of Cuba following overthrow of Castro government.
- c.
- Assure continuous control of the US base at Guantanamo.
- d.
- Provide the capability of initiating the assault without prior warning and within five days after the order to execute.
- e.
- Be capable of execution at any time during a prolonged period after required forces and equipment are positioned.
- 2.
- Forces and equipment will be tailored as necessary to accomplish the plan, and may be repositioned as required.
- 3.
- Following Forces may be considered available for planning purposes:
- a.
- Army
- XVIII Airborne Corps Hdqtrs
- 82nd Airborne Division
- 101st Airborne Division
- 3rd Armored Cavalry Regt
- 4th/68 Tank Bn
- 2nd Infantry Brig
- 4 Helicopter Companies
- 1 Inf Battle Group (-) for helicopter operations
- Special Forces
- b.
- Navy
- Striking and Covering Forces
- Combatant Air and Naval
- Elements as required
- Underway replenishment group
- Amphibious Task Force
- Landing Force
- Headquarters, II MEF
- 2nd Marine Division (-)
- 2nd Marine Air Wing (-)
- Force Troops Atlantic
- c.
- Air Force
- 1 Command Hdqtrs
- Troop Carrier/MATS Wings as required
- (Reserve units with quick reaction time may be used)
- 4 Tactical Fighter Wings
- 2-1/3 Recon Squadrons
- 1 TAC Control System (Reduced)
- Aerial Refueling as required
- 1 Command Hdqtrs
- d.
- CIA Force Atlantic
- e.
- Special Operations Task Force Atlantic
- f.
- On Call Forces
- (1)
- Naval: Uncommitted Forces US Atlantic Fleet Amphibious ships and Marine Forces as required, Pacific Command
- (2)
Army: 4th Infantry Division
CCA, 1st Armored Division
- g.
Air and Surface Lift
MATS and MSTS provide air and surface lift as directed by the JCS.
- 4.
- Submit initially, on a priority basis, an outline plan and a concept
of operations. Include estimate of time required to accomplish 1 a and b
above. Concurrently submit requirements for:
- a.
- Total forces and equipment.
- b.
- Repositioning and/or prepositioning of forces and equipment necessary to obtain required state of readiness. Include estimate of time required to accomplish these actions.
- 5.
- Any recommendation you may have as to an alternate solution which will enhance the feasibility of the plan together with its impact on reaction time and total forces required is invited.
- 6.
- This guidance should not be interpreted as an indication that US military action against Cuba is probable.
- Source: Naval Historical Center, Area Files, Bumpy Road Materials. Top Secret; Priority. Repeated to CGUSCONARC, Ft Monroe, Virginia, and TAC, Langley AFB, Virginia.↩