189. Editorial Note

On September 25, 1961, President Kennedy addressed the U.N. General Assembly. Among a number of international issues covered in the speech was the President’s statement that the United States “now proposes officially designating this decade of the 1960’s as the United Nations Decade of Development.” Within that framework, he suggested, the U.N. development efforts could be expanded and coordinated.

Following his address, McGeorge Bundy issued National Security Action Memorandum No. 101 to the Secretary of State, October 6, which provided a list of items in the speech for which the President wanted special implementation and reporting. Among these was Item D, which involved the promotion of the expansion and coordination of economic growth. (Department of State,S/S-NSC Files: Lot 72 D 316,NSAM No. 101)

For the initial report on this item, see Document 191.