156. Editorial Note

The Ministerial Council of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) met in Paris November 27-28, 1962. Under Secretary of State George W. Ball headed the U.S. Delegation, and John M. Leddy, who succeeded John W. Tuthill as U.S. Representative to the OECD effective November 5, served as Alternative Representative. Fowler Hamilton was also a member of the U.S. Delegation. For telegraphic summaries of the Ministers’ discussions on development assist-ance (Cedto 505 from Paris, November 28) and trade and aid (Cedto 507 from Paris, November 28), see the Supplement.

The communique issued at the end of the meeting included accept-ance of the conclusions of the first annual review of the foreign assistance policies of the members of the Development Assistance Committee. It also “recognized the need for further concerted action to increase the volume and effectiveness of aid to developing countries and to relate it more closely to the development efforts of the benefitting countries themselves.” For text of the communique, November 28, see Department of State Bulletin, December 24, 1962, pages 979-980. On the same day, the Council also passed a resolution on the coordination of trade and aid; it is printed ibid., pages 980-981. Documentation on U.S. preparations for and participation in the OECD Ministerial Council meeting is in Department of State, Central Files 374.800 and 800.0000.