36. Telegram From the Embassy in Vietnam to the Department of State1

980. Refs: Deptel 907 and Embtel 963.2 Thuan told me today he had taken up with President Diem question new U.S. Military Assistance Command; said he had explained idea to Diem thoroughly; that President wanted to see me about it. I asked whether there were any particular questions or problems in his mind. Thuan said the only problem that Diem seemed to have was whether the U.S. Mission in Viet-Nam was to have “one or more heads”. He said from point of view GVN it was essential that U.S. activities should head up to one person in Viet-Nam. I told Thuan that President Diem need have no [Page 66] concern on this score; as to details, this was a matter of internal U.S. arrangements which would, I felt sure, work satisfactorily from GVN standpoint.

I have been waiting for ten days for clarification of matter referred to in Deptel 898.3 Pouched message not yet received, and next pouch due late January 30th. I need to be in a position to speak with assurance to Diem on any questions he may raise in connection with new command set-up and would appreciate, if possible, telegraphic summary contents pouched message. Needless to say, I have not raised with GVN, nor with anyone here, question of internal U.S. relationships.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/1-2762. Secret; Priority; Eyes Only.
  2. See Document 33 and footnote 2 thereto.
  3. See footnote 3, Document 33.