202. National Security Action Memorandum No. 1551


  • The Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare


  • Emergency Medical Program for Vietnam
The Vietnam Task Force has developed an Emergency Medical Program for Vietnam, the successful implementation of which is a matter of great importance to the United States.
The Program calls for the building and equipping of surgeries, by USOM/Vietnam to be staffed with foreign medical teams. The United States is to supply 4 to 6 teams each composed of 3 to 6 medical personnel. The Agency for International Development will need assistance in the recruitment of from 4 to 12 doctors, 4 to 12 nurses, 4 to 6 medical technicians, and 4 to 6 anesthetists in the Program.
In order to discharge its responsibilities in implementing the program, the Agency for International Development will need the assistance of the Public Health Service in recruiting outside personnel and in commissioning or assigning Public Health Service as required by the Program.
The President directs the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare to assist the Agency for International Development in every way possible to implement the Emergency Medical Program for Vietnam, and specifically to assist in staffing the medical teams required, either by assigning Public Health Service personnel, or by assisting in recruiting the necessary personnel.
The Public Health Service is requested to commission Public Health Service officers for service in the Program, where necessary.
McGeorge Bundy
  1. Source: Department of State, S/S-NSC Files: Lot 72 D 316, NSAMs. Secret. A note on the source text indicates that copies were sent to the Secretary of State and the Director of the Agency for International Development.