303. Telegram From the Embassy in Vietnam to the Department of State1

748. Marathon discussion with Diem this evening (Dec. 1) started on negative note, but improved over course of four hours to a point from which I think we may find meeting of our essential interests. Thuan was present throughout, and he and I will work together tomorrow on GVN paper responding to our démarche of November 15. This will be subject, of course, to Diem’s approval, but will be forwarded as soon as possible. We need a GVN paper for sake of clarity and precision.

Diem did not retreat much from his basic conviction that Vietnamese conflict must be won by non-Communist Vietnamese nationalists and that American influence in his government, if publicly known, would be disadvantageous. On other hand he expressed gratitude for President Kennedy’s willingness to help, he realizes the reasons for our conditions, and I think we may find way to work [Page 707] out practical steps which will make increasing aid effective. However, pending further report recommend nothing be made public other than that talks continuing. Atmosphere was good throughout, but Diem evidently smarting under what he regards as unjustified criticism of him, his family, and his regime in certain sections US press.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/12-161. Top Secret; Niact; Limit Distribution. Repeated to Bangkok and CINCPAC for PolAd. Another copy of this telegram, which had been sent to the White House, was marked with the handwritten notation, “P[resident] has seen. Dec. 2.” (Kennedy Library, National Security File, Viet-Nam Country Series) Printed also in Declassified Documents, 1976, p. 211A.