201. Telegram From the Embassy in Vietnam to the Department of State1

575. Task Force VN. Our conversations over past ten days with Vietnamese in various walks of life show virtually unanimous desire for introduction US forces into VietNam. This based on unsolicited remarks from Cabinet Ministers, National Assembly Deputies, university professors, students, shopkeepers, and oppositionists. Dr. Tran Dinh De, level-headed Minister of Health, told Embassy officer Oct 29 that while GVN could continue resist Communists for while longer if US troops not introduced, it could not win alone against Commies. National Assembly members, according to … unanimously in favor entry US forces. Diem told us while Gen Taylor was here that he had consulted National Assembly committee on this question and had received favorable response. Even an oppositionist like ex-Foreign Minister Tran Van Do has told us US forces are needed and is apparently so strongly convinced of this that he did not suggest any condition precedent about political changes by Diem. AmConsul Hue reports that opinion among intellectuals and government officials in that city is also almost unanimously in favor of introduction of American combat troops. MAAG believes on basis private conversations and general attitude Vietnamese military personnel [Page 457] toward US that Vietnamese armed forces would likewise welcome introduction US forces.

General Vietnamese desire for introduction US forces arises from serious morale decline among populace during recent weeks because of deterioration in security and horrible death through torture and mutilation to which Col Nam subjected. Expanded VC infiltration has brought fully home to Vietnamese that fact that US has not intervened militarily in Laos to come to rescue of anti-Communists. Now that they see Viet-Nam approaching its own crucial period, paramount question in their minds is whether US will give armed support to anti-Communist GVN or whether it will back down when chips are down. Vietnamese thus want US forces introduced in order to demonstrate US determination to stick it out with them against Communists. They do not want to be victims of political settlement with Communists. This is especially true of those publicly identified as anti-Communist like Dean Vu Quoc Thuc who collaborated with Dr. Eugene Staley on joint experts report.2

Most Vietnamese whose thoughts on this subject have been developed are not thinking in terms of US troops to fight guerrillas but rather of a reassuring presence of US forces in VietNam. These persons undoubtedly feel, however that if war in Viet-Nam continues to move toward overt conventional aggression as opposed to its guerrilla character, combat role for US troops could eventually arise.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/10-3161. Secret; Priority. Repeated to CINCPAC for PolAd, Manila for General Taylor, Bangkok, Geneva for FECON, Vientiane, Phnom Penh, London, Paris, Ottawa, New Delhi, and Hue.
  2. See Document 93.