168. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State0

357. Re: Congo.

During dinner recess of SC (August 8), Lodge met at their request with Congolese Ministers Gizenga, Kanza, Bomboko, Mwamba and Mpolo.1
Bomboko began by expressing his appreciation for US clear-cut position as expressed in Lodge’s speech.2 Discussion then followed of events during days preceding and immediately following arrival of UN forces. Main points all stressed were that Congo had no desire for Belgians to leave, but cycle of fear and panic had started during which Belgians fled even when they were not in any danger. In this connection Mpolo referred to case Coquilhatville when Congolese civilian went to airport as Belgians leaving, asking why they were going. Impression of Congolese was Belgians acting under orders.

Most significant and hopeful part of conversation began when Kanza said military aspect of Congolese problem soon be passed. However, it was necessary begin at once to deal with financial and technical problems.

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Bomboko and Kanza both urged us try to convince Belgians they should counteract “mauvaise propagande” which threatened in Katanga. Belgians were in best position dispel fear which Europeans in Katanga felt for their future once Belgian troops left. They said Belgians in Katanga must be made realize that arrival of UN is solely to preserve order, and will not result in persecuting whites. Both stressed dependence of Katanga economy on Belgians and strong desire of Congolese that Belgian administrators and technicians remain. If propaganda now believed by Belgians there was not counteracted, economy of province would be destroyed.

Bomboko then referred to economic conditions in Leopoldville. He stressed need to get economic life in Leopoldville going again. He said Belgians who have fled should return to their economic affairs. Those remaining should open their shops and their businesses again. He drew distinction between Congolese attitude toward particular Belgian Govt now in office and individual Belgians. He said present Belgian actions in Leopoldville amount to kind of economic sanction and seemed to be taken from spirit of vengeance. They have taken the control of central banking to Brussels along with gold, and now refuse to open their places of business so that economic life can return to normal.
Both Bomboko and Kanza, with apparent acquiescence of all but impassive Gizenga, stressed that paralysis of economic life was in no one’s interest. They made official request: Soon as order is established, Congolese want to work with Belgians on economic matters. They asked us to tell Belgians they should start conversations now rather than take funds to Belgium, which could only create bitterness. They also asked that we make appeal to Belgium that they support UN in its efforts.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/8–960. Confidential. Repeated to Brussels and Léopoldville.
  2. Minister of Justice Rémy Mwamba and Minister for Youth and Sports Maurice Mpolo.
  3. Lodge had declared at the Security Council meeting that afternoon that the time had come for Belgian withdrawal from Katanga “at the earliest moment under arrangements to be worked out by the Secretary-General for the preservation of law and order.” For text of his statement, see American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1960, pp. 546–547.