53. Telegram From the Embassy in Germany to the Department of State0

1080. Paris for Embassy and USRO. Re Embtel 1072, November 20.1 Von Brentano called British Ambassador, French Chargé and me [Page 94] Foreign Office to give us summary talk between Adenauer-Smirnov this morning at which Brentano also present.2

Reading from prepared statement Smirnov said Soviet Government attaches importance to informing Federal Government that in very near future it will notify US, UK and France it going to abolish “occupation statute” for Berlin. (Smirnov did not refer to four power agreements on Berlin, nor did he say that responsibilities incurred under such agreements would be transferred to GDR.) It belief Sov that all governments including FedRep would welcome abolition occupation statute as contributing to relaxation of tension. Smirnov ignored Brentano’s comment that there no “occupation statute” but rather four power agreement and continued that abolition of statute necessary as it no longer corresponds to present situation Berlin, has already been violated by Western powers and is not compatible with sovereignty GDR.

Adenauer then stated emphatically that action proposed by Soviets would not contribute to relaxation of tension, but on contrary heighten it. He asked Smirnov tell Sov Govt that to take step at very moment when Geneva talks3 in progress would be “very dangerous”. He also felt reaction three Western powers would be negative, move would be adversely received Ger public, and would undoubtedly lead to further deterioration Ger-Sov relations. Smirnov did not reply directly Adenauer comments other than admit Sov-Ger relations had not developed as satisfactorily as Russians had hoped. This due to various factors he said, in particular armament of Bundeswehr.

Brentano called attention to fact that Ger-Sov trade agreement recently signed and due for ratification in near future, and cultural agreement nearing completion. Smirnov answered this true but still Fed Rep engaged atomic re-armament. Adenauer replied that such armament has not yet started. Interview ended that note. (Smirnov left no papers.)

Discussion among Brentano and representatives three powers which followed Brentano’s report Smirnov meeting reported in Embtel 1083.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 762.0221/11–2058. Secret; Niact. Repeated to London, Paris, Moscow, and Berlin.
  2. Telegram 1072 reported that Trimble and the British and French Ambassadors had just been called to see Brentano at 5 p.m., presumably to be briefed on the substance of Adenauer’s meeting with Smirnov. (ibid., 661.62A/11–2058)
  3. For two other accounts of this meeting, see Adenauer, Erinnerungen, pp. 453–458 and Moskau Bonn, pp. 460–461.
  4. Reference is to the Geneva Conference on the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapons Tests, October 31–December 19.
  5. Document 54.