Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960, Berlin Crisis, 1958–1959, Volume VIII

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960, Berlin Crisis, 1958–1959, Volume VIII
- Charles S. Sampson
General Editor:
- Glenn W. LaFantasie
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of Sources
- List of Abbreviations
- List of Persons
- Berlin Crisis, 1958–1959 (Documents 1–23)
- November–December 1958: U.S. Response to Soviet Threats to Transfer its
Functions in Berlin to the German Democratic Republic (Documents 24–118)
- Western Reaction to Khrushchev’s
November 10 Speech (Documents 24–71)
- The Soviet Note of November 27 and the Western Replies of December
31 (Documents 72–118)
- Western Reaction to Khrushchev’s
November 10 Speech (Documents 24–71)
- January–March 1959: Further Exchanges of Notes Leading to the Proposal for a Foreign Ministers Meeting on Berlin (Documents 119–245)
- Conference of the Foreign Ministers of the United States, the United Kingdom,
France, and the Soviet Union at Geneva May 11–August 5, 1959 (Documents 246–507)
- March–May 1959: Preparations for the Conference (Documents 246–292)
- First Part of the Conference, May 11–June 20, 1959 (Documents 293–412)
- June 21–July 12, 1959: Conference Recess (Documents 413–434)
- July 13–August 5, 1959: Second Part of the Conference (Documents 435–507)
- March–May 1959: Preparations for the Conference (Documents 246–292)
- Index