214. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in India1
116. Deptel 48 to New Delhi repeated Phnom Penh 24 Ottawa 13 Paris 19 London 129;2 Phnom Penh 57 repeated New Delhi 15 London 14 Ottawa 13 Paris 18;3 Phnom Penh 58 repeated New Delhi 16 London 15 Ottawa 14 Paris 19.4 We believe it would be most helpful you now see Nehru on Cambodia MDA Agreement. Available information Eden-Nehru talks indicates Nehru attitude still mystery, but it fairly clear British did not convert him. Indian draft resolution in reply Cambodian confirmation position on Agreement (Phnom Penh 58) is hopeful, but 1) we have no assurance resolution will be acceptable New Delhi, and 2) we believe final paragraph if published would have opposite effect from presumptive Indian intent, i.e. settlement MDA Agreement issue.
Request therefore you see Nehru soonest. Suggest you tell him you have seen Indian draft resolution and assume its transmittal to Cambodian Government will mean end of affair. You might add final paragraph not helpful, sounding like altercation in which ICC, though in reluctant agreement Cambodian Government, seemed determined have last word. If correspondence private, effect would be minimized, but if published Communists would interpret resolution as opportunity reopen entire discussion.
Should Nehru demonstrate he does not agree ICC draft resolution and is not satisfied Cambodian “clarification”, you might explain our intent regarding Agreement, using points listed Deptel 38 to London repeated Phnom Penh 10 Ottawa 6 New Delhi 12 Paris 31,5 Deptel 48 to New Delhi, and your 30 repeated London 3 Phnom Penh 4 Ottawa 3.6
FYI: We consider ICC draft resolution as now stands acceptable, provided it not published, though not fully satisfactory. We are inclined believe, however, Nehru may not easily give concurrence but might more readily do so following your direct approach.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751H.5–MSP/7–1555. Secret; Niact. Drafted by Byrne, cleared by PSA and SOA, and approved by Robertson. Repeated to Phnom Penh, Ottawa, Paris, and London.↩
- Document 212.↩
- Supra.↩
- See footnote 3, supra.↩
- Document 210.↩
- Telegram 48 to New Delhi is printed as Document 212; regarding telegram 30 from New Delhi, see footnotes 2, 6, and 7 thereto.↩