210. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom1

38. London 5634 repeated Phnom Penh 11 New Delhi 144 Paris 754 Ottawa 37.2 Request you approach Macmillan explain following [Page 464] U.S. position MDA Agreement Cambodia and urge problem be discussed with Nehru.

In connection repeated Cambodian requests for U.S. military assistance, MDA Agreement negotiated May 16 which will provide legal basis for U.S. aid to Cambodian military establishment.
Cambodia in no economic position support even modest security forces and no country other than U.S. willing provide financial and material aid required. We informally discussed this problem with the Indians months before signing the Agreement and received no comments either adverse or constructive.
Agreement has no relation to problem who is to train Cambodian Army and is not incompatible with eventual possibility Indian assistance this field if Cambodia so wishes.
Indian legal objections agreement as reflected in ICC can be answered by Deptel 681 to Phnom Penh, New Delhi 2018,3 pouched London Ottawa Paris Vientiane.
U.S. has no intention establish military bases in Cambodia.
Agreement does not involve Cambodian participation Manila Pact.
U.S. not encouraging development large Cambodian Army but rather reduction size with increased efficiency.
You may mention to Macmillan Indian criticism MDA Agreement corning on heel criticism Prince Sihanouk’s reform programs plus lobbying in favor Crown’s arch enemy Son Ngoc Thanh will make it difficult for Cambodia respond to Indian guidance or offers assistance.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751G.5–MSP/6–2855. Secret. Drafted by Purnell and cleared by PSA, FE, SOA, and BNA. Repeated to Phnom Penh, Ottawa, New Delhi, and Paris.
  2. In telegram 5634, June 28, the Embassy in London endorsed the idea of approaching Macmillan and Nehru on the problem of the MDA agreement with Cambodia and asked for guidance on approaching Macmillan. (Ibid.)
  3. In telegram 681, June 17, the Department set forth its legal opinion on the passages of the MDA Agreement with Cambodia which were challenged by the ICC. (Ibid., 751H.5–MSP/6–1355)